Monday, September 3, 2012

Baby's name...18 weeks!

We have decided on a name for our baby boy, and are very happy to be giving him a middle name after two very important people in our lives. The first is David Warren.... a man that I have never had the pleasure of knowing, but I feel like I somehow..DO know. He is a Cushman legend, and Conner has always viewed him as another father figure in his tightly-knit group of childhood friends, parents, and kids. I have heard countless stories about Dave, and everyone who shares one has a strong love for him and misses him dearly. The second person is my great-grandpa, Nana's dad... my Grandpa Jolly. I was not very old when he passed away, but I was old enough, and I have so many memories of spending time at his house or at Nana & Bompa's house swimming while Grandpa sat in the shade and watched us. I miss his hat, his bird, his candy, and every time he would grab my leg and tickle and ask if there was a bone in my leg.

Our baby's first name is Corbin. It fits with his cousins, whose names all end with the "n" sound :) and it fits my personal criteria of "not in the top 50 names of trendy names, but not so bizarre that people can't pronounce it." If you have seen the movie "The Fifth Element", yes, it is after THAT Corbin. :)

Corbin David Clancy

Now....18 weeks of Corbin-carrying!

Freaky, right? Here sits a baby who won't take any
breaks from these growth spurts.

How many weeks today:  18

Baby is the size of: a sweet potato. A very large sweet potato.

Total weight gain/loss: I am refusing to weigh myself after yesterday's bbq... but I am about the same weight.

Maternity clothes:  Yes!

Cravings: Fruit, nachos, Mexican food, soup, etc.

Aversions:  None.

Mood: Very happy, excited to be approaching the halfway point, and nervous that I will be a mommy to a very tiny and fragile human being pretty soon.

Physical symptoms: It seems like I have been thrown back into the 1st trimester this last week. It doesn't matter how much sleep I get, how many days I am able to squeeze a nap in, I am exhaaaaaausted! Absolutely exhausted! And achey here and there. Killer headaches have been bothering me, but nothing too painful or lasting more than a day or two.

Miss anything: Tequila. Ohhhhh tequila, I miss you so much. I will see you in February.

Showing yet: Yes. And I have been told by many that it all seemed to POP out this last week. If I didn't look pregnant before, I certainly do now.

Labor signs: Not for awhile!

Baby movement: Yes, he's quite a mover. He is still positioned so that his head is on the left and feet are on my right side, and that is where I feel kicks the most. His movements seem more controlled, not as frequent, and he certainly has patterns of activity and rest.

Wedding rings on or off: On! But tight. :( Could be from all of these salty foods I'm eating, or the heat.

Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing.

How is Daddy doing: Daddy loves my belly. He loves that we have decided on some names. He loves that our boy is measuring so big and healthy, and he is so excited to be able to feel kicks soon.

Favorite moment this week: Finalizing our son's name. Corbin David Clancy will be such a wonderful little baby boy!

Looking forward to: Feeling kicks with our hands.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Congrats on choosing names... Great names at that! :)
