Monday, September 10, 2012

19 weeks!

Showing my 19 week belly was not enough...I had to compare. At 5 weeks, yeah of course that gut is not a baby, it's all me. I STARTED with a belly. But not the belly shown in my 19 week photo. This guy is growing quickly, and coming OUT. :-)

How many weeks today: 19

Baby is the size of: a big 6 inch heirloom tomato. The average measurement for this week is 6 inches, but Corbin was about 6 inches two weeks ago at the gender ultrasound.

Total weight gain/loss: +3 pounds! I'm quite pleased with that.

Maternity clothes: Yes!

Cravings:  We are both (or all three) back on a cooked home meals kick this week and loaded up the fridge and pantry with veggies, fruit, beans, chicken, etc. I am looking forward to fall weather (psh, yeah right!) and slow cooker soups. My latest must-haves this past weekend were peach-berry crisp made with yellow cake mix and served with OATMEAL BUTTERSCOTCH ice cream, Golden Spoon frozen yogurt, cinnamon rolls.... I think it's safe to say that although I pushed for veggies and fruit to be loaded into our grocery cart, I am loving sweets at the moment. Don't worry, I'm not getting out of hand. ;-)

Aversions: None. I wish it was sugar.

Mood: Excited about nursery plans, baby gear, relieved that I am finally done with my four-month research on strollers and decided on a travel system.

Physical symptoms: Still tired, having some backaches, although nothing too unbearable. My headaches are still present, still not too unbearable. I have had a change in my ever-present cramps.... now those cramps are accompanied by Round Ligament Pain along the sides of my uterus, and Corbin is moving quite a bit and the regular cramps are more of a rolled movement.... I keep using the term "alien practicing karate and world domination".

Miss anything: Not lately. :-)

Showing yet: Yes.

Labor signs: Not for awhile!

Baby movement: Oh yes! From 13 weeks until yesterday, I felt his "flutters" on my right side and ultrasounds have confirmed that his head is indeed on my left and feet are on the right. He seemed wedged into that position without trying too hard to move out of it... but constantly having kicking spurts throughout the day, with more activity in the evening and late at night. Those "flutters" have become stronger and definitely more controlled, it seems. Yesterday, he was kicking for a little while and then I felt this wave of movement and it almost made me nauseous.... then I felt him in the middle and down low. We went to our childbirth class, Daddy gave me an hour-long massage (because that's what they do in class... they put the dads to work) ;-) And when we came home, I felt Corbin kicking completely on my left. Then back on my right. I don't even know anymore! We have an ultrasound on Thursday so we will see his position then.

Wedding rings on or off: On! But tight. :(

Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing.

How is Daddy doing: Daddy is into Corbin more and more. A few nights ago, we were both lying in bed, with Conner's head on my belly as he listened to my stomach work, haha. He kept laughing because it sounded like doors creaking and monsters growling. He was listening for kicks, but I didn't want to tell him when Corbin kicked, I wanted to see if he actually heard him on his own. So right after Corbin started with his "flutters", Conner started tapping on me at the exact same pace and asked me if that tapping sound he heard was Corbin kicking. That made both of us happy. :-) Last night, he tried with his hand some more.... and he is pretty sure he felt a light kicking feeling! It's exciting! At our class last night, we re-introduced ourselves because we have new couples who joined, and we had to share our due date and something we are looking forward to with this baby. I was very proud of myself for NOT crying this time (last class, we had to share WHY we were taking the class and I got a little worked up). I said my name, we are having a boy, who is due February 4th, and I am excited for Christmas mornings, and creating the Santa stories, and "Elf on a Shelf". I also said that I'm excited to see if our baby gets my red hair, as I turned and shot Conner a joking look and let him take over..... and he introduced himself and said he is excited to teach his son how to be a Mario Kart champ, and he's excited for a gaming buddy. Games are a huge part of Conner, and I never really give in and play with him. :-( Corbin will be allowed to play plenty of video games and computer games with his Daddy! On our way home, we talked about other ideas we had for our introductions in class..... I said that I am excited to see Corbin play with his cousins, I'm excited to have the dogs get used to and love him, I'm excited for camping trips. Conner is excited to see his siblings hold our son, and I know in a way, he also meant that he is excited to have a son (or daughter, it never mattered) who he is proud to have been a part of creating.

Favorite moment this week: Did I mention that hour-long massage? :-) Favorite moments are now when Conner and Corbin get foot-to-ear and have a conversation.

Looking forward to: Everything. In the near future, our appointment on Thursday morning when we will see him bouncin' around in there. In the distant-but-not-too-distant future...Christmases, ginger baby, camping, fishing, Mario Kart, dog kisses and sharing our laps with one more, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents.

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