Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I am exhausted this past week. Absolutely exhausted, with or without a full night of sleep or a nap during the day. I am chugging water like no other, and I have been eating more frequently... I actually wake up in the middle of the night hungry now.

Normally, I do not drink milk by itself. It's usually in cereal, or with some kind of food that needs milk to accompany it, like peanut butter and jelly, or chocolate, or waffles. The only place where I absolutely love drinking milk with my dinner is in Kelso, WA. Maybe it's the yummy meals we have at Conner's parents' home, maybe it's something about Washington milk. Either way, you won't find me drinking a glass of milk at home.

Last night, I drank three tall glasses of milk with my dinner, and then woke up in the middle of the night wanting more milk. Whaaaaaaat??

Boobaloo... ummm I mean CORBIN... was measuring ahead at ALL of his ultrasounds, and at the last one, he was almost two weeks ahead. Looking on my pregnancy app on my phone, I see that the average growth rate around this time is about half an inch. It has been that way for awhile, no big deal. Looking ahead to 20 weeks and 21 weeks, this poor kid is scheduled to grow FOUR INCHES IN ONE WEEK. How is that even possible? Another body change for him right now is bone density... his bones are formed, but are in the process of hardening and becoming stronger. So now it all makes sense....the exhaustion, the protein cravings, the sudden urge to drink a gallon of milk. My body is working hard to grow the Hulk.

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