Tuesday, August 28, 2012

17 weeks! And it's a........

B O Y !!!!!!

I am over a week late in updating our blog, and that is for good reason. We had an ultrasound last Wednesday (16 1/2 weeks) and I was saving my 16 week post for that night or the following day, when I was sure we would know the gender. I was wrong. :( Very wrong. It was a very disappointing experience, but was quickly remedied on Saturday when we went to Vegas for a quick trip and a birthday celebration with my grandpa and my dad's side of the family. On Saturday, we had the best ultrasound ever!!! It was fun, it was clear, it was long, and we saw many views of our baby.....BOY!!!!!

We are still settling from the shock of seeing a penis attached to our baby, but are so thrilled to be able to assign a gender, and soon, a name to this beautiful little baby boy! We love him so much already, and are making many plans for his future, starting with his nursery.

In the above photo, the baby is sitting with his legs spread open, and our view is from underneath his butt. Like if he was sitting on a camera. That thing between his legs, that the arrow is pointing at, is what made our jaws drop.
In the above photo, you can see a side view of a leg... the foot goes off to the left, with a lower leg and then a knee and then a femur moving up towards the top of the image. His butt is the top round part, and his back curves down to the right. His belly is bottom, to the right of the arrow. The arrow is pointing at a side view of that dangly thing that is sticking out at his groin area.



I have fallen in love with this guy. Especially when I see his spine, and hands, and feet, and legs, and big ol' head, and when he kicks me...

And now.... our 17 week update:

Here is a blurry photo of a very tired ME holding our owl sign that says 17 weeks, 5.1 inches. (THAT IS A LIE, THIS KID IS LONGER THAN THAT!) In one hand is an onion, in the other is Ellie....
because we needed a girl photo in a home full of boys.

How many weeks today:  17 weeks and 1 day.

Baby is the size of: an onion. Last week was an avocado at 16 weeks. I don't fully understand how a baby goes from a navel orange to an avocado. Maybe the person who designed these fruit size comparisons is getting some hefty Chilean avocados on the black market.

Total weight gain/loss: I am up about 2 1/2 pounds. Not bad, not bad.

Maternity clothes: Yes, I'm in 'em. I am a big fan of leggings and dresses and skirts still, and only have ONE pair of maternity pants (my lovely comfy jeans!). Since I can't wear jeans to work four days out of the week and leggings are banned, I need to buy some tights or something to wear with my dresses.

Cravings: Still eating plenty of fruit, I have upped the veggies and salads this week, I love salty hot foods like Mexican food, ANYTHING spicy. I don't think I have had anything bizarre, or specific to one category or craving.

Aversions:  I still gag when I brush my teeth, but nothing else gets to me.

Mood: Very very very happy and excited about our B-O-Y!

Physical symptoms: I started feeling tired again, but still nothing like the first trimester. I still get a little crampy, my back aches once in awhile, and the occasional headache shows up.... but overall, I'm feeling great still!

Miss anything: Looking at girl clothes and nursery ideas. That's okay though, because I have now started to fill my mind with the boy things!

Showing yet:  Yes.

Labor signs: Not for awhile!

Baby movement: Quite a bit of movement from our little man. He is most active in the morning and then it starts again in the evening while I'm at work and continues until bedtime. Nothing strong enough to feel from the outside yet, and nothing strong enough to keep me awake at night. It is absolutely a feeling that I enjoy every time and I can't wait for Conner to be able to feel it too.

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Items purchased for baby this week: A blue monster pajamas set. :-)

How is Daddy doing: Daddy is so excited that we can safely say "he" and "him" now. He would have been just as happy if Boobaloo was a girl, but the feeling of knowing is such a huge relief and another milestone that we've passed. He is happily contributing to name discussions and nursery theme ideas.... Daddy has some great ideas, without being too goofy or Game of Thrones or World of Warcraft about it all. :-)

Favorite moment this week: Seeing our baby at the ultrasound... seeing his long legs kick his humongous feet, seeing his arm reach a hand up to his mouth, seeing between his legs, seeing his heartbeat still over 150.

Looking forward to: Holding him. Now that I know he is a *HE* and we saw an even better idea of his body shape (long and lean so far, although he has so much time to start getting chunky), I just want to hold him and rock him and kiss him. My mom commented at the ultrasound, as Bill Murray Jr. was still crossing his legs at his ankles and still shying away from our view and curled up and sucking his hand, "He's going to be a cuddler!" I can't wait for that.

Our Gender Celebration:

I bought Ding-Dongs to take to work as my way of announcing my pregnancy to those who don't already know, and to announce the gender to my friends. Ding-Dongs, in case you did not make the connection, because....
Baby has a ding-dong.

Our "You Are Special Today" plate with an eclair and two Ding-Dongs.
Continuing with the inappropriate "boy" celebration: hot dogs for dinner, with champagne!

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