Thursday, September 13, 2012

Corbin's anatomy scan at 19 1/2 weeks

We had our "20 week" ultrasound this morning, although we are a few days early, but that is the way my appointments have been going. Usually, doctors start seeing their patients around 8 weeks, but I was in at just over 7 weeks for my first appointment with him, and then they schedule me every four weeks. At 28 weeks, I will start to go in every two weeks for routine weight, blood pressure, baby's position, etc. checks. Sometime in the later weeks they will start checking my cervix, but I really really hope that's much later! From about 36 weeks until delivery, I will be in there every week.

So... our 19 1/2 week ultrasound..... It went really really well! I always dread going in to see my obgyn (since Day 1) because I feel like I am going to a Weight Watchers weigh-in meeting. I would even go so far as to say I panic the morning of our appointments, dreading what their scale will say and how much of a lecture I will get.

This morning was one of those kind of mornings where I worried because I KNOW I have not been eating as well as I should be, and have not walked at all lately. I don't count shopping in downtown L.A. as a whole lot of walking. My panic was for good reason.... I have gained 5 pounds this month! YIKES! That's a big "yikes" to me, because my goal was 2 pounds per month. However, almost 5 pounds in four weeks of a pregnancy is not as bad as my reaction makes it seem.... my doctor was fine with it, it's not crazy unhealthy or alarming, and it puts me at a total of just under 7 pounds. It's still okay. My blood pressure is still good, baby is still great, all is still well. BUT I know that I can do better, and HE knows I can do better, so I still got a mini lecture about eating-this-not-that, walk more, etc. He was very nice about it.

We had a pretty great view of Corbin as our doctor measured his head and thighs and whatever else he was doing. He confirmed that Corbin is still a boy, and based on his measurements of certain body parts, he's measuring at about 21 weeks. Not bad, baby boy! We did not get an actual length or a heart rate, but did see his heart pumping nice and strong. We briefly saw his face in 3D, which was plenty long enough to see he is looking very much like a Clancy boy. When I showed the photos to my mom, she immediately saw Taven's features! I see it, although the more I look at his picture, the more I see new features and different people in him. I still don't see any McAteer, unless you count massive feet and lots of hair. We don't even know for sure if we see hair.... but it certainly looks like a hairline. I have a ton of hair and Conner is doing pretty well on his head too, so this baby will have hair early on for sure. Either way, no matter who he looks like, he is an adorable combination of the two of us.... or ALL of us in both families. He's pretty perfect! And his looks will change and we will be getting clearer images later on, we think. (Maybe another 3D scan around 28 weeks.)

Seeing his face took it all to a whole new level....again. Seeing a heartbeat and a fetal pole at 6 weeks was incredible. Seeing nubs for arms and legs growing in was even better. Seeing him move and wiggle an arm was amazing. Finding out his gender was a huge milestone. BUT NOW HE HAS A FACE! And he was smiling and kicking and cuddling his hand up to his face and sucking and he yawns and gets hiccups and he's a BABY. He's so much more of a baby now, and in just a short amount of time. What a trip!

Here he is...... Corbin David Clancy...

19 1/2 weeks
7 1/2 weeks (the start of his "nub" arms and legs)

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