Monday, September 24, 2012

Past the halfway point, at a whopping 21 weeks!

I missed the 20-week photo because life got a little bit busy for a few days. I won't even bother trying to get a photo tonight because I know between football and a late dinner and being exhausted, it just won't happen. So this is a photo I took with my phone this morning. Corbin is getting big! I'm happy that the rest of me is not growing.

How many weeks today: 21 :-)
Baby is the size of: a banana.

Total weight gain/loss: I am not positive, but I'd say about +4.

Maternity clothes: Yes. And I love them!

Cravings: Last night, I baked pieces of cauliflower covered in cayenne pepper. At the same time, I cooked canned chopped spinach and artichoke hearts with garlic, oregano, and olive oil. I think it's safe to say I'm loving veggies and still (always) loving spicy!
Aversions: None.

Mood: I'm hopeful and happy and excited as always, but also getting more concerned about our birth as it approaches. I always have a slight worry in the back of my mind that something can go wrong, but for the most part, I am comfortable with the idea of giving birth and trusting that all will go well and Corbin will be healthy and safe. What I'm not comfortable with is how the atmosphere will be.... how our company will be, how comfortable I will be when I will be trying to focus and breathe and distract myself with our "toolbox" of methods while I have a few family members in there who will no doubt be bored or want to intervene with what they think I should do or try to make jokes the whole time....or worse, people who will PANIC and be alarmed and get ME panicking. Thinking about that scenario frustrates me. I know it's a bad attitude to have, but I feel like this is something that is for US. It's something WE have a plan for, and WE have paid money to go to classes that will prepare us.... I don't want it all thrown out the window because of one wrong choice in having too many people in the room. If labor isn't progressing the way it should because I can't relax, I also don't want the guilty feeling that comes with kicking people out. I dunno. This isn't something I need to worry about right now, but it was brought up in our class and is definitely on my mind. Is it silly that I also want to be the one to announce Corbin's birth on Facebook? I don't want our birth experience to be hijacked, I guess. I want it to be a special experience for US. And "US" is Conner, Corbin, and myself. Our instructor made a very good point last night: She said that this is not something we need an audience for. No one needs to be present who just wants to observe. It's an effort, and a huge one at that, and anyone in the room needs to be a calm, supportive participant.... or get the hell out of the room. ;-)
Physical symptoms: I'm feelin' pretty good! My biggest complaint is still these headaches, which are never horrible, but just a pain in the butt. I still get them daily. I also started getting some aches and pains in my hips, lower back, and thighs. Sitting on my new birthing ball definitely helps that, and I am working muscles that I don't get to work when I sit anywhere else, and it helps with stretching. Another new(ish) pain for me is Round Ligament pain, which is pretty harmless and doesn't last for long, but always scares me because it is literally pain in the ligaments that are holding my uterus where it is, so the location always alarms me. More stretching and water and rest always always always helps relieve those pains though.

Miss anything: These days... privacy. Unplugging. Aggghhhh! I say that as I blog my emotions and thoughts.

Showing yet: Yes.

Labor signs: Nope.

Baby movement: Yes- He has been pretty mellow and it worried me for a few days, because the fluttery feeling completely disappeared and was replaced by more of a rolling sensation that comes a few times a day. On Saturday, I was leaning down with one leg propped up on the tub edge and shaving my legs and I was definitely squishing my uterus. It wasn't painful, but it was uncomfortable for a minute. I felt some wiggling, put my hand on my bump, and Corbin gave me one solid kick as if to say, "Hey Mom, I need more room in here!" Since then, I have only felt two kicks.... he is still growing stronger and bigger, and I am still learning what will make him kick and how to feel him. Hopefully soon we can share the feeling with other people who want to try (ie. Uncle Cameron, who was excited to feel last week, but no activity was going on).
Wedding rings on or off: On.

Items purchased for baby this week: I have a Babies R Us giftcard and a 20% off coupon, so I'm thinking I will go buy something for him today or tomorrow.

How is Daddy doing: Daddy is doing great! He admits that although he does not enjoy sacrificing Sunday Night Football, we are getting lots of information out of our natural childbirth class. He doesn't enjoy sitting on his knees being put to work to massage me or hold me in some position that is recommended but not necessarily comfortable for either of us, but we both willingly participate and get through the class. At break time, he checks the scores while we snack on string cheese and apples, so that's always a welcomed break. He is excited for the holidays coming up. Halloween will be here before we know it, and then after Thanksgiving we will be up in Washington with his family and Christmas will be right around the corner. The holidays also represent a couple of months that will fly by and put us in the third trimester and then in the final weeks counting down to our big day.
Favorite moment this week: I had a huge smile on my face after I felt Corbin kick me in the shower, and it made me prettttttty happy.

Looking forward to: The Seahawks game tonight, which I will have to hear about via anyone at work looking up scores on their phones. Maternity photos. A visit from Betty Ann and Dennis in just a few weeks. The Black Keys concert.

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