Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Baby wiggles and unexpected dreams

Corbin recently "turned" (as so many mommies in crazy online forums call it). We went from constant flutters that felt like bubbles/butterflies/popcorn on my lower right side to now.....uhhhh a big ol' worm wiggling and swimming. Before this new wiggly feeling, he was very mellow for almost a week. It alarmed me, but I did enough Googling to not be too afraid. It seemed normal for the next step. Then we had a couple of days where he wanted to kick me once or twice or create this rolling motion. It felt like my intestines were getting rocked! And now finally, for a few days now, he is a worm. Or maybe a larger animal, like a snake. He's slithering and swimming and turning around and wiggling his arms and legs and it TICKLES! And it's almost constant! He's very active in there, but still not active enough to let us feel actual kicks from the outside. I know they're coming though, and I know I will be eating my words and wishing he would settle down and stop kicking and let me sleep. :-)

Last night, I had a dream about his birth. It's my first one, and it was pretty bizarre. I started off by waking up and not knowing where I was or why I felt so achy...Conner was sitting with me and explained that I was in the hospital. I remembered nothing about being there, or coming there, or anything leading up to why I might have been there. Next to my bed was one of those hospital rolling clear-sided bassinets with a black-haired baby sleeping in it. It was Corbin, and I knew it was Corbin but I didn't understand how or why he was there. His hair was long and really thick...he had a TON of black hair. Conner proceeded to explain to me that I had gone in to a routine appointment and my obgyn had decided that Corbin was getting too big and so they scheduled me in right away for a c-section. The drugs given to me for my c-section also affected my memory (weird right?). Conner told me that Corbin was born on December 2nd, and I immediately panicked because that would mean he was born at 31 weeks....but Conner said, "No no no! He's fine! He weighs 8.9 pounds!" (By the way, I don't know if that number or that date mean anything, but I remember them clearly.) Sure enough, Corbin was perfectly healthy and big and doing just fine, lungs functioning perfectly, everything about him was perfect. Then I picked up my phone to start telling people, but I was so heartbroken to see that it was December 3rd and I had been sleeping the entire first day of his life....and everyone knew he had been born. There were missed calls and texts from people congratulating us, but the worst part was seeing photos of SO MANY people on my Facebook who were posed holding Corbin and it seemed like he had been held by everyone except me.

And then I woke up.

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