Friday, September 28, 2012

A new day, a new change

I swear Corbin is reading my blog, listening to my conversations, and taking notes on what I am waiting for in regards to his development.

Yesterday, he graduated from "wiggly worm" to....WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THERE?! He started in the morning, when I was lying in bed with my knees bent up, one leg crossed over the other. (If that didn't make sense, just forget it. Not important.) I may have been squishing him a little bit, because I kept feeling movement, wavy wiggling squirming movement, so I put my hand really low on my abdomen where I felt the movement, and he kicked a couple of strong solid kicks. I have been trying so hard to feel him with my hand and have gotten so used to feeling only my heartbeat (in my major arteries down there, and also in my fingertips) but these kicks were so strong and I felt them on the inside and outside at the same time. No doubt it was Corbin kicking. His wiggles and now kicks have been directly in the middle, really really low. It's as if he is standing completely upright in there.

He continued the kicks off and on all day and night, and as he has been since 13 weeks, he was most active while I was sitting very still at my desk at work for four hours. I couldn't even stop to sit and keep my hand there to feel him because my work requires both hands for my keyboard and mouse and two monitors and lots of time management...... so I figured we would feel him when I got home, and Conner would be able to feel him after hearing me hype it up so much all day.

Once I was in the car and driving and moving and then home, Corbin decided it was time to sleep. :-(

It is now 7:30 in the morning, and he's just now starting to move a little bit. I'm sure he moved last night, but it is not strong enough to wake me up yet. For that, I thank you, baby boy.

Pretty soon, I will be on a schedule where I will be spending my days at work, evenings at home with Conner. It has been an adjustment to be working nights while Conner is at home, but we have made it work just fine for us since February. If Corbin's active time is going to be evenings, his daddy will be getting to feel him all the time pretty soon!

Before we found out the gender, Conner referred to this baby as his future soccer star. More specifically, future U.S. Women's Soccer champ (when we were so sure it was a girl). He's quite active! I am sure he'll love sports, and be just as athletic as his dad. I hope I hope I HOPE he does not get his athleticism from me. Maybe I will pass on my appreciation of sleeping through the night.

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