Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2nd Trimester!!

Before I fill out the usual questions for the weekly count, I have an update! It's not much of an update, but still a positive one. Yesterday, Kimberly and I went to the NT scan/first trimester screening, where a perinatologist measures certain parts of the baby and its surroundings and combines those measurements with a blood test (my blood) to see our chances of the baby having a chromosomal abnormality, more specifically, Down Syndrome. My regular obgyn did not refer us, he informed me that he saw NO indication of anything "wrong" in my latest ultrasound, and this screening was 100% optional. So we went, hoping to get some profile shots of the baby (we didn't). We waited for about an hour, then I went back for vitals and to have my blood drawn, and then a short while later, it was my turn for the ultrasound. A tech performed the scan first and pointed things out to us. She informed me that the baby (er, the egg) is from my right side, which I knew because I felt it in May and can pinpoint the day of ovulation and the day it implanted. The placenta (my LEAST favorite word having to do with pregnancy) is nice and big and healthy... probably from the burritos, I'm sure. It's far away from my cervix, which also is looking good and is another one of those words that I just can't stand. Can't we call it a baby hole? The baby itself is lookin' mighty fine! She measured the crown-to-rump length and said, "Right on track for February 1st!" HUH? I am due the 4th. She said by calculating dates, we will stick with the 4th, but if this baby is a little bigger, I am hoping that is not an indication of how quickly it will go through newborn onesies, or how painful that whole head-through-the-baby-hole process will go. Then again, I had to remind myself that babies grow at different rates and now is the time it starts to differ, and it will have growth spurts, and could end up being 7 pounds at birth instead of 11. I hope I hope I hope. Anyways, baby looked great, all extremities present, head and stomach measuring great, fluid on back of the neck measured great, important facial bones present, and abdomen is closed. Happy healthy baby. While it was being pushed on and examined, Bill Murray Jr. danced and put on a show for us....then very dramatically put its hand up to its forehead and crossed its legs. Unfortunately, those legs were still crossed when I asked the perinatologist for a glimpse between them to see if we could see anything. Looks like we will have to wait a little longer! It was a great appointment, and I left feeling very happy. One of the best parts is that the perinatologist repeated a few times, "This is a VERY healthy pregnancy." and things looked "perfect". :-)

Above is one of our blurry ultrasound photos we received yesterday. Baby's head is to the left, back is on the bottom, and feet disappear somewhere off to the right. It was much cuter live, as it moved and kicked and we saw an actual profile and more of a baby. But this ultrasound photo shows a tiny little nub to the right........ what do you think??? All babies start off with a "nub" and it grows into one or doesn't grow into the other, basically. The "nub theory" is that if it is parallel to the spine, it is usually a girl, and if it sticks almost straight up, it is a boy. At this point, it's way too early to tell, and of course it could go either way....but it's still fun to find these theories and methods of guessing the gender.

After the appointment was over, Kibby and I went to lunch. I tollllllld you I love burritos more than ever. This was a special occasion! I was only able to eat half, because my stomach and eyes don't know what is going on anymore!

Now that I started the 2nd trimester, I am taking it as a chance to start documenting bump changes.... so here I am at 13 weeks, feeling pretty hefty, and not enjoying having my photo taken, but knowing that I will want it SOMEDAY. I'm holding a peach! And the cute owl chalkboard is from Target's $1 spot! Score!!

How many weeks today: 13! Officially in the 2nd trimester!

Baby is the size of: a peach! 

Total weight gain/loss: I have gained one pound. :-(

Maternity clothes: I haven't bought any yet, but will probably be slowly buying pieces here and there in the next few weeks because my clothes are extremely uncomfortable!

Cravings: Overall, I'd say this is our avocado-nectarine-Mexican food baby. I can go for a burrito at any time of the day, every day. I don't, but I really COULD. I try to keep it pretty balanced though, and still love avocados and nectarines, and am still eating my veggies and everything else.

Aversions: None.

Mood: Excited, relieved, very very happy, and starting to feel like I'm more aware of the baby and it is aware of me. Not that we are bonding just yet.... but maybe we will start soon.

Physical symptoms: Last week, I started getting awful headaches. I usually wake up with them, and with it comes nausea (but ONLY caused by the headache, and hasn't affected my ability to chow down on any food so far). I am 99% sure it's from going from my normal pillow to a poofy high-up maternity pillow, and it's causing tension in my neck, leading to the headaches and nausea. Additionally, I feel major sinus pressure and pain in my face. Still taking Zyrtec daily, drinking plenty of water, and I have made adjustments with the new giant pillow so that I can still benefit from it without ruining my neck. All in all, though, I can't complain much about physical symptoms. Bill Murray Jr. makes me cramp for quite awhile every day, but I forgive him/her and still blame it on growing. Oh and another physical symptom that I haven't really found a blame for yet is my eyesight going horribly bad! I don't know if it is linked to my headaches (doesn't seem to be), I know my blood pressure is good, maybe it is just time to get an updated vision exam and new glasses.

Miss anything: This is embarrassing to admit, but I am starting to miss my ability to bend over easily and see anything past my stomach. Haha! It's not THAT bad yet and I know it will get much worse. I better paint my toenails before it's absolutely too late. I sense some regular pedicures coming in a few months! It's not that my stomach is suddenly huge, but it is getting firmer and growing a little and it's exhausting to even shave my legs.

Showing yet: Yep. It's there. Baby has ascended and is on the move.

Labor signs: Not for awhile!

Baby movement: None felt, only seen on ultrasound. There were a couple of times this past week when I thought I felt the "flutters" but I have no idea.

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing. Sorry Baby. We are still waiting to see what gender you decided on and will buy you cute outfits after that.

How is Daddy doing: Daddy is very happy that things are going so well, and is also becoming more aware of the baby, and rubs my belly and lays on it and talks to it occasionally. Once Baby is bigger and inner ear and everything are fully developed, I am positive he will have headphones set up to play A Perfect Circle and Pink Floyd to the baby. He is antsy to read Strega Nona to the baby as well. Daddy is also very excited for our upcoming gender-determination ultrasound. We both think it's a girl now (I was thinking it was a boy for WEEKS!), but we will still be so thrilled either way.

Favorite moment this week: Yesterday at my NT scan, seeing Bill Murray Jr. dance and wiggle and kick and wave its arms. I always love seeing the baby, and I especially love seeing it now that it MOVES..... and boy does that baby move!

Looking forward to: Vegas, possibly finding out the baby's gender right before Vegas, moving in to a 2-bedroom home so that I can start buying and planning and painting and making and.... oh yes, nesting. I'm also very excited to get my bathing suit finally! It should arrive today. No, I won't post photos. Yes, I bought it for Vegas. :-)

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