Monday, July 2, 2012

9 Weeks!

How many weeks today: NINE!!! Yay! Four more weeks until I start the 2nd trimester! (Depending on who you ask. I vote end of 12th, start of 13th week.)
Baby is the size of: a green olive. Mmmmmm. 
Total weight gain/loss: -2 pounds! Go me! My clothes feel a little looser, overall, but nothing can combat this bloated belly and the tightness that will only get worse there!
Maternity clothes: None. I am sticking to comfy, stretchy waistbands and skirts or dresses for the most part. I did put on a pair of old jeans, happy to fit into them, but by mid-shift at work I had to use the ol' hair rubberband trick to keep the button closed. Too uncomfortable!
Cravings: None really, except that I still love Mexican food and anything spicy. Well, any food at all. I eat fruit, veggies, cereal, soup, bagels, yogurt, etc.
Aversions: None. The only thing that is starting to bother me is when I feed the dogs in the morning and add salmon oil to their bowls. FOUL! *GAG!*
Mood: The blues took over my weekend, but we did manage to get out and see a movie (and then I went to another movie with Kimberly), and Conner and I had a long talk about what needs to change. And that is the problem. I need some change. Doing the same thing every single day might be having some kind of negative effect on me.... so we both promised: more walks together, more dinners together, less game time/phone/iPad time alone, and work on organizing and cleaning our home.
Physical symptoms: Exhaustion exhaustion exhaustion! Always a teeny tiny bit "crampy", achey by the end of the day, and the word "gassy" doesn't even begin to describe it. TMI? Welcome to MY blog.
Miss anything: I really miss coffee. I was never too big on daily coffee, but it was nice to enjoy a few times a week. I miss you, Keurig. I keep telling myself to go buy a box of decaf k-cups, but I just haven't yet. I also miss alcohol. I know I probably sound like a lush or like I was really into my booze, but I was never THAT big of a drinker.... but just like coffee, it was nice to enjoy once in awhile. It was always nice to say "HELL YES" when offered a margarita or a Corona. I have eyeballed cases of beer almost every time I have gone to the grocery store. No, I won't drink. Maybe one glass later on, and even then, I am sure I will guilt myself into not finishing the half glass of wine or sip of margarita because in the end, every sacrifice is 100% worth the outcome. I will have plenty of time to lush next year. ;-)
Showing yet: Nope! Just chunky! :-)
Labor signs: Negative!

Baby movement: Not yet!
Wedding rings on or off: On and spinning. No chunky fingers yet! At least not chunkier than usual.
Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing. Oh wait, a funny pregnancy book on my iPad. That almost counts for the baby. Oh oh oh, and I did buy some Cougar shoes, as well as some really fugly purple leather bootie-lookin' shoes but only because they are purple and have a DACHSHUND on them!

How is Daddy doing: Daddy is doing well, but I secretly think he is pregnant too. We are both having our ups and downs with emotions (ok, that might just be me), but I swear every time I talk about a headache or backache, he responds with, "me too!" He is supportive, and great with the back rubs and reading his daddy book, and taking note of my daily changes. I don't know how long it will be before I forget that he compared his tooth pain to giving birth. I fully believe that tooth pain IS greater than the pain of giving birth, but I guess I was in no mood to hear a man say that to my face. ;-)
Favorite moment this week: For this one, I will go with the past week, because my weekly count day is Monday. My favorite moment was when we picked up our Chinese food dinner. I know I know. It should be baby-related, but the baby isn't doing much yet, except completely destroying my digestive tract, and I am very food-driven these days! My other favorite moment (which is much sweeter than any kung pao chicken) was when Conner was laying on his side, reading his daddy book, and I was laying in front of him, also trying to read his daddy book, but actually falling asleep in his arms. I am happy to have him with me at every step of the way. Except that tooth pain comparison...seriously.
Looking forward to: Seeing more than just a nubby blog at our next ultrasound! I want to see actual arms and legs, a profile with a cute little nose and lips, a spine, knees, fingers and toes, and GROWTH. I go back to my doctor on 7/19 (11 1/2 weeks), but I have a feeling he will not do another ultrasound then, as they just did one at 7 1/2 weeks and the next scan should be at 15 1/2 or 19 1/2 weeks for me. I have tried to look this up so many times (which weeks will I see an ultrasound, which weeks will just be a regular check-up and monitoring), and it always depends on how risky the pregnancy is, the doctor's preferences, etc. I will see him at 11-12 weeks, 15-16 weeks, 19-20 weeks (we should for sure know the gender by then!), and 23-24 weeks. After that, I will go every two weeks until my last month of pregnancy. Good times. The best part about being pregnant in Simi Valley is that I get to utilize a wonderful resource we have here... and they encourage it! It's called CPC, and they provide basic ultrasounds and counseling for expectant mothers up until 24 weeks gestation. I can pop in there for an ultrasound as a "model" for training u/s technicians, when appointments are available. They can't give me any medical advice or do much, but they have the equipment to see the baby, it's heartbeat, and possibly an early gender detection. Since no one knows how many ultrasounds are TOO many for the baby, I will have to figure out when to schedule something and take family or friends for a show put on by Bill Murray Jr.

That's all for now! Happy July!

****EDIT: I have photos to post to this blog, but can't post just yet. Technical difficulties. Please check back tomorrow or Wednesday.

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