Thursday, July 12, 2012

An update on my health this week

I was able to get in to see a doctor yesterday, and he ran oxygen levels, did some tests, examined me, pushed and poked and prodded and decided that Bill Murray Jr. is fine, and getting plenty of oxygen even though I have trouble breathing. And it's not a cold! I have a sinus infection, bronchitis, and a double ear infection. Unfortunately, those aren't cured by resting and drinking tea with honey and lemon, and no amount of huffing eucalyptus can take away the pain, so I got hooked up! After discussing it and researching it together on his iPad, Doc declared some angibiotics (mild one, Zithromax) to be Category B, which is the safest medicine can get for pregnancy. Category A are generally foods, topical creams, saline nasal spray I think....the weak stuff! Still nervous, I confirmed its safety with my obgyn and I was good to go.

After the first night of my Z-Pack, plus Robitussin, plus Tylenol Sinus Congestion and Pain, plus Similasan ear drops, and lots and lots and lots of ice water, it's safe to say I woke up feeling.....BETTER!! I can at least breathe through my nose a bit better, and I did manage to get more sleep. This morning though, I woke up to hives on my arm, and I decided I just can't win 'em all.

Bill Murray Jr., Mommy is sorry for pumping you full of medicine last night, but it was necessary to get some rest and air into my lungs. And I'm doing all that I can to avoid pneumonia, which sometimes sneaks up after I have bronchitis.

The first trimester has been rough so far, but not in ways I ever imagined. I am still very thankful that I don't have nausea, thankful that I have not had any issues with Baby, very thankful that we got pregnant on the first try and I am able to experience all of this, thankful for time flying by and being so close to the second trimester, and thankful every single moment that I have such a sweet and supportive husband by my side while I feel so awful. And knock-on-wood, I am thankful for slight weight loss and normal blood pressure so far.

Thank you for reading!


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