Wednesday, July 11, 2012

10 Weeks.....And Absolutely MISERABLE!

Hoorayyyy! I am 10 weeks pregnant! 10 weeks 2 days, actually. In my very first post, I think I counted incorrectly for my countdown to the second trimester. It starts in the 13th week, which is when I have completed 12 weeks. So at 12 weeks, I am officially in the second trimester, the "good" trimester, the "safe" zone, the trimester full of growth and exciting milestones! We will soon find out Bill Murray Jr.'s gender, several tests will be done, I will start to show and not just be bloated and fat, and supposedly I will have an increase in energy.

As I type this, it is 1:00am and I am sitting propped up on plenty of pillows with an ice pack strapped to my forehead. As soon as I'm done writing, it's going to be pulled over my eyes to hopefully relieve some sinus pains and pressure. I am stuffed up, yet runny-nosed, my throat and head hurt, and I am losing my voice over this hoarse cough. The pressure in my sinuses and ears is absolutely unbearable. Anyone who knows how I get sick knows that this is no bueno! I don't just get colds.... I get a cold that quickly turns into bronchitis (every.single.time) and more often than I can count, it leads to a nice mild case of "walking pneumonia". Those things are bad enough if I was otherwise healthy and could take medicine and bundle up and go to bed. Unfortunately, it's summertime, and I am pregnant, and I am hating life. While my entire family is in Tahoe all week, Conner and I are staying at their house with all five dogs. At first we were really excited to have more space and a pool. Then we realized how hard it is to cool the house down with a/c and how stuffy and hot we get at night with five dogs. I have been playing "musical chair" with the bedrooms each night, trying to find a spot to cool off and be comfortable and attempt to sleep in a position that isn't completely flat on my back to avoid suffocating. I feel like Goldilocks, in a way, except far more particular about temperature, bed firmness, amount of pillows, etc. At the moment, I am very comfortable (although I have seriously considered performing sinus surgery on myself and possibly removing my nose). Poor Conner is stuck with all five dogs, sleeping in the only room that doesn't get any a/c at all. I am one lucky woman to have such an understanding husband!

Enough about my cold..... I am 10 weeks! Here is my 10-week info:

How many weeks today: 10. 1/4 of the way done with a 40-week pregnancy!

Baby is the size of a: prune! I can't believe how quickly Baby Boobaloo grows in the first trimester. He/she was just an appleseed not long ago!

Total weigh loss/gain: I'm not going to lie...I had one rough week in the belly department!! I had some new....issues...and my stomach got bloated and hard and I was in so much pain. Issue fixed, and I weighed myself before I got in bed. Same number! Still down 2 pounds from starting weight.

Maternity clothes: none.

Cravings: Mmmmm yes, tomatoes! Grandma Moody gave us a huge bag full of homegrown black prince tomatoes, along with a few cucumbers, a couple zucchini, and some yellow squash (and lots of other yummy foods). I have put quite a dent in the tomato bag by slicing them up to put on toast in the morning, with avocado in the evening, a cucumber and tomato sandwich for lunch today, and I roasted some tomato slices with zucchini and yellow squash slices and mixed them with olive oil, oregano, sea salt, and garlic. I can't get enough tomatoes!!! I'm embracing it now, while I don't suffer from evil heartburn.

Aversions: none.

Mood: Aside from being miserable, I have been in a pretty good mood. I guess I'm a little worried most days, because there is still the uncertainty of what's to come, but I am looking forward to my appointment next Thursday morning. I hope Boobaloo is doin okay with this cough. Every time I cough or sneeze, I cramp up. Please be okay in there, Baby!

Physical Symptoms: Tons, which I have already complained about, but my pregnancy symptoms have dulled a bit since getting sick. I look at that as Mother Nature having a little mercy on me.

Miss Anything: My bed! And sushi. Ooooh I really want any kind of spicy roll from Omega. I don't even care what's on it as long as it has fish and hot chili oil or spicy mayo. Agghhh sushi! Mmmmm with some baked mussels.

Showing Yet: No. I see this as a great thing for now!

Labor Signs: No way!

Baby Movement: I was so convinced that the quick little solid tap-tap-tap-tap that I felt down low and centered on Monday night while I was sitting perfectly still and quiet at my desk was Bill Murray Jr. saying hello and "don't worry about me". Earlier that day I had told Conner about a woman who was my buddy in a February 2013 pregnancy group on my mommy app. She was right along track with me and had seen her baby and a heartbeat at 7 weeks, then went in again on Monday when she should have been almost 10 weeks, only to be told that the baby's heart stopped and it had stopped growing at 8 1/2 weeks. All of her pregnancy symptoms were still present, no sign of anything gone wrong. I know I shouldn't focus on these stories, but I also didn't go searching. It happened and it happens and it's real and it's scary. So I was a little upset on Monday and felt something different that night. I have had my share of gas and know the difference! Maybe this was a muscle spasm, maybe something completely unexplainable. But it made me smile and that is all I needed that night.

Wedding Rings on or off: still on, still spinning.

Items Purchased for Baby This Week: Nothing new purchased, but the WSU Cougar shoes came, as well as the purple Doxie shoes. :-)

How is Daddy Doing: No cold yet, but it's almost impossible to not share illnesses between us. He is doing just fine, but antsy to be home in our own bed again. He is still convinced that the baby is a girl, and while I was thinking the same thing, I am making myself root for Team Blue. We both want a girl so badly, but I have to be open to the possibility that this little bug might be a boy! It's the same thing every expectant couple says when asked which gender they prefer: "We just want healthy!" And we do. Truth be told, we eventually want girls AND boys so we will be thrilled no matter what.

Favorite moment this week: This may sound strange and I can't give a very good reason why, but my favorite moment was grocery shopping with Conner on Saturday. We were in Vons, just picking up some food for the week and ingredients for Conner to make lasagna that night for a couple of friends. I have started to notice our alone time more these days. To me, alone time is just the two of us, even if we are in a public place, no dogs, no computer, no Xbox, no phone, no iPad. We have 6 1/2 months left to be alone. There will be kid-free outings, but I am still learning to really really appreciate US as newlyweds, soon-to-be-parents, and two people who have loved each other for five years!

Looking forward to: My appointment (and ultrasound!) next Thursday, when we will hopefully see Baby Boobaloo wiggling around and waving arms and kicking legs!

So that's my 10-week rant! I am still so happy and excited to be pregnant, despite my bitching and moaning. And still going to have to work on uploading photos because I haven't been on a desktop computer in awhile.


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