Friday, August 3, 2012

Flutters...Popcorn...Bubbles....whatever works!

There are two things I want to document today....the first is this headache. The second is much more exciting!

Pillow aside, I have determined that it's not my new exciting maternity support that is making my head hurt. I have no idea what it is. The pain in the front of my face, near my eyes, in my forehead...oh yeah, SINUS PAIN, is daily now. We have two air purifiers in our tiny apartment, I'm constantly full of allergy medicine, and I drink plenty of water. My next move is to go get my eyes checked because it's long overdue, get a new prescription in my glasses (reading/computer glasses for years now, but it might be time to have some all-the-time eyeglasses), and start being more comfortable when I'm on our home computer, staring at two monitors at work every night, and when I'm not working, using my iPhone or iPad. Technology is making me go blind. Or pregnancy is. Or my eyes are just getting.... older.

**EDIT: I did a little research on this, and found that many women suffer from the "wakeup headache" due to congestion and sinus issues that come about during the night. Possible remedies include sleeping with no pillow, taking allergy medicine before bed instead of in the morning, humidifier (we are avoiding that one if possible), and just dealing with it as it come and letting it fade away once the day gets goin'. I'll opt for the allergy meds at night and hopefully these headaches will STOP. This morning I actually woke up at 2:30am with the headache and there was so much sinus pressure, I felt like my eyes were going to pop out of my head. When I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, one eye even had a popped blood vessel. Siiiiiiiiiiiiick. One of the main causes of this pressure and pain is from increased bloodflow during pregnancy. Dumb. :-(

I am 13 weeks plus 4 days today, and since Tuesday, I have felt a new feeling right where Bill Murray Jr. is situated. I know that I ovulated on my right side, and I felt it happen, and I know that good ol' Bill implanted on that side... not just because that's how it usually works, but because I felt it happen too. On the night of Conner's birthday (May 24th), I was at work and suddenly felt a slight pinch or cramp or tiny little itty bitty tugging sensation exactly where I now feel this new feeling. It showed up that night, and it didn't go away. I still have cramps on that side. I told some people, and was told I'm crazy, but I have known all along that it's just me being very in tune with my body. Yes, I'm crazy, I never argued that... but I'm right. I feel the baby. But anyway, so these past few days, I started feeling little tiny bubbles. I have heard that it feels like "butterflies" and "popcorn", but to me it feels like there are teeny tiny bubbles in one location, staying still for the most part except to occasionally float around a little bit in that pinpoint little area, and it's surrounded by a cramping feeling. It's subtle, and for the first two days I only felt it when I was in a sitting position, and only when I am still, usually while I'm driving or sitting at my desk at work. Starting last night before going to sleep, I started to feel it when I lay down, or it's becoming more recognizable, or stronger. I know it's not gas, because I'm 27 and well aware of what gas feels like by now. Gas moves, sometimes in waves, and usually hurts or is a quick moving rumbly feeling. This feels like........ummmm... well, a tiny baby dancing in my uterus. BUBBLES. FLUTTERING BUTTERFLIES. POPCORN POPPING. It's so light and such a delicate feeling that if I eat a full meal, I can't feel it as well. It's very sensitive, and I absolutely love it! I can't wait for the baby to be bigger and stronger and give me some good solid kicks like the soccer player its daddy says it will be. I can't wait for Conner to feel what I'm feeling when he puts his hand on my belly. And I feel like all worries and concerns that come up in between appointments just went out the door because now I can feel how well the baby is doing, and feel it dance and move and wiggle around. I will still look forward to ultrasounds and seeing our baby on screen, but my mind will definitely be more at ease.

Yesterday, I was telling our friend Mary about these new wiggly feelings, and she was so excited for me, and said she misses those feelings and remembers them well, and that pretty soon those "bubbles" will feel like ROCKS, and then eventually will be a whole elbow moving across my entire stomach. Crazy little baby!!

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