Monday, July 23, 2012

12 Weeks

How many weeks today: more week until I start the second trimester!!

Baby is the size of: a plum, working on a peach!

Total weight gain/loss: I am still pretty even!

Maternity clothes: None, but thinking I will cross that line soon.

Cravings: I started wanting chocolate and sweets again, but I am also still eating veggies and fruit.

Aversions: None.

Mood: happy, hopeful, excited, starting to feel a little nervous that the weeks are going by quickly and summer will be over soon. Then fall will be here and the holidays will fly by like they do, and next thing we know, it will be January and we will pack up our Christmas tree and get ready for the baby to make its appearance. I'm also feeling a little sad and anxious about finding out our baby's gender. What if it's a boy? We will be happy and excited but in my mind, I have imagined the next year with baby girl colors and characters and outfits and decor. What if it's actually a girl? We will be so happy, but it will sting and hurt at the same time. We miss Brynna all the time. It just isn't something that can feel good either way, although Conner and I will be so excited about a baby girl OR a baby boy.

Physical symptoms: Feelng great!! I have accepted the fact that my cramps might be here until I give birth, and as long as they only indicate baby's growth, I am okay with that.

Miss anything: This past weekend, I was really missing wine. But I'm okay!

Showing yet: Teeny teeny tiny bit of belly (more than usual).

Labor signs: Not for awhile!

Baby movement: None felt, only seen on ultrasound.

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing.

How is Daddy doing: He typically matches my emotions when it comes to the baby.....happy after a positive doctor appointment, hopeful as we approach each new week, relieved when I report on which fruit we can compare the baby's size to. Daddy did not mirror my feelings on the perinatologist appointment, though, and did his own research and discovered that my appointment is with a high-risk specialist who will measure and scan for genetic abnormalities. What we did discuss after Conner's initial panic is that we are electing to have this optional first trimester screening done so that we can get a more in-depth look at the baby. I have had a very healthy pregnancy so far and there are no risks or causes for alarm at this point in time. Everything is a-okay!

Favorite moment this week: Every time I looked down at my phone's background...our 11 1/2 week ultrasound with a baby whose arms and legs stick out. :-)

Looking forward to: An upcoming trip to Vegas for my grandpa's birthday. :-) I'm happy that we are flying, excited to be doing adult things sans alcohol, so excited about staying at Green Valley Ranch, and looking forward to spending the night with family and yummy food.

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