Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2nd Trimester!!

Before I fill out the usual questions for the weekly count, I have an update! It's not much of an update, but still a positive one. Yesterday, Kimberly and I went to the NT scan/first trimester screening, where a perinatologist measures certain parts of the baby and its surroundings and combines those measurements with a blood test (my blood) to see our chances of the baby having a chromosomal abnormality, more specifically, Down Syndrome. My regular obgyn did not refer us, he informed me that he saw NO indication of anything "wrong" in my latest ultrasound, and this screening was 100% optional. So we went, hoping to get some profile shots of the baby (we didn't). We waited for about an hour, then I went back for vitals and to have my blood drawn, and then a short while later, it was my turn for the ultrasound. A tech performed the scan first and pointed things out to us. She informed me that the baby (er, the egg) is from my right side, which I knew because I felt it in May and can pinpoint the day of ovulation and the day it implanted. The placenta (my LEAST favorite word having to do with pregnancy) is nice and big and healthy... probably from the burritos, I'm sure. It's far away from my cervix, which also is looking good and is another one of those words that I just can't stand. Can't we call it a baby hole? The baby itself is lookin' mighty fine! She measured the crown-to-rump length and said, "Right on track for February 1st!" HUH? I am due the 4th. She said by calculating dates, we will stick with the 4th, but if this baby is a little bigger, I am hoping that is not an indication of how quickly it will go through newborn onesies, or how painful that whole head-through-the-baby-hole process will go. Then again, I had to remind myself that babies grow at different rates and now is the time it starts to differ, and it will have growth spurts, and could end up being 7 pounds at birth instead of 11. I hope I hope I hope. Anyways, baby looked great, all extremities present, head and stomach measuring great, fluid on back of the neck measured great, important facial bones present, and abdomen is closed. Happy healthy baby. While it was being pushed on and examined, Bill Murray Jr. danced and put on a show for us....then very dramatically put its hand up to its forehead and crossed its legs. Unfortunately, those legs were still crossed when I asked the perinatologist for a glimpse between them to see if we could see anything. Looks like we will have to wait a little longer! It was a great appointment, and I left feeling very happy. One of the best parts is that the perinatologist repeated a few times, "This is a VERY healthy pregnancy." and things looked "perfect". :-)

Above is one of our blurry ultrasound photos we received yesterday. Baby's head is to the left, back is on the bottom, and feet disappear somewhere off to the right. It was much cuter live, as it moved and kicked and we saw an actual profile and more of a baby. But this ultrasound photo shows a tiny little nub to the right........ what do you think??? All babies start off with a "nub" and it grows into one or doesn't grow into the other, basically. The "nub theory" is that if it is parallel to the spine, it is usually a girl, and if it sticks almost straight up, it is a boy. At this point, it's way too early to tell, and of course it could go either way....but it's still fun to find these theories and methods of guessing the gender.

After the appointment was over, Kibby and I went to lunch. I tollllllld you I love burritos more than ever. This was a special occasion! I was only able to eat half, because my stomach and eyes don't know what is going on anymore!

Now that I started the 2nd trimester, I am taking it as a chance to start documenting bump changes.... so here I am at 13 weeks, feeling pretty hefty, and not enjoying having my photo taken, but knowing that I will want it SOMEDAY. I'm holding a peach! And the cute owl chalkboard is from Target's $1 spot! Score!!

How many weeks today: 13! Officially in the 2nd trimester!

Baby is the size of: a peach! 

Total weight gain/loss: I have gained one pound. :-(

Maternity clothes: I haven't bought any yet, but will probably be slowly buying pieces here and there in the next few weeks because my clothes are extremely uncomfortable!

Cravings: Overall, I'd say this is our avocado-nectarine-Mexican food baby. I can go for a burrito at any time of the day, every day. I don't, but I really COULD. I try to keep it pretty balanced though, and still love avocados and nectarines, and am still eating my veggies and everything else.

Aversions: None.

Mood: Excited, relieved, very very happy, and starting to feel like I'm more aware of the baby and it is aware of me. Not that we are bonding just yet.... but maybe we will start soon.

Physical symptoms: Last week, I started getting awful headaches. I usually wake up with them, and with it comes nausea (but ONLY caused by the headache, and hasn't affected my ability to chow down on any food so far). I am 99% sure it's from going from my normal pillow to a poofy high-up maternity pillow, and it's causing tension in my neck, leading to the headaches and nausea. Additionally, I feel major sinus pressure and pain in my face. Still taking Zyrtec daily, drinking plenty of water, and I have made adjustments with the new giant pillow so that I can still benefit from it without ruining my neck. All in all, though, I can't complain much about physical symptoms. Bill Murray Jr. makes me cramp for quite awhile every day, but I forgive him/her and still blame it on growing. Oh and another physical symptom that I haven't really found a blame for yet is my eyesight going horribly bad! I don't know if it is linked to my headaches (doesn't seem to be), I know my blood pressure is good, maybe it is just time to get an updated vision exam and new glasses.

Miss anything: This is embarrassing to admit, but I am starting to miss my ability to bend over easily and see anything past my stomach. Haha! It's not THAT bad yet and I know it will get much worse. I better paint my toenails before it's absolutely too late. I sense some regular pedicures coming in a few months! It's not that my stomach is suddenly huge, but it is getting firmer and growing a little and it's exhausting to even shave my legs.

Showing yet: Yep. It's there. Baby has ascended and is on the move.

Labor signs: Not for awhile!

Baby movement: None felt, only seen on ultrasound. There were a couple of times this past week when I thought I felt the "flutters" but I have no idea.

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing. Sorry Baby. We are still waiting to see what gender you decided on and will buy you cute outfits after that.

How is Daddy doing: Daddy is very happy that things are going so well, and is also becoming more aware of the baby, and rubs my belly and lays on it and talks to it occasionally. Once Baby is bigger and inner ear and everything are fully developed, I am positive he will have headphones set up to play A Perfect Circle and Pink Floyd to the baby. He is antsy to read Strega Nona to the baby as well. Daddy is also very excited for our upcoming gender-determination ultrasound. We both think it's a girl now (I was thinking it was a boy for WEEKS!), but we will still be so thrilled either way.

Favorite moment this week: Yesterday at my NT scan, seeing Bill Murray Jr. dance and wiggle and kick and wave its arms. I always love seeing the baby, and I especially love seeing it now that it MOVES..... and boy does that baby move!

Looking forward to: Vegas, possibly finding out the baby's gender right before Vegas, moving in to a 2-bedroom home so that I can start buying and planning and painting and making and.... oh yes, nesting. I'm also very excited to get my bathing suit finally! It should arrive today. No, I won't post photos. Yes, I bought it for Vegas. :-)

Monday, July 23, 2012

12 Weeks

How many weeks today: 12...one more week until I start the second trimester!!

Baby is the size of: a plum, working on a peach!

Total weight gain/loss: I am still pretty even!

Maternity clothes: None, but thinking I will cross that line soon.

Cravings: I started wanting chocolate and sweets again, but I am also still eating veggies and fruit.

Aversions: None.

Mood: happy, hopeful, excited, starting to feel a little nervous that the weeks are going by quickly and summer will be over soon. Then fall will be here and the holidays will fly by like they do, and next thing we know, it will be January and we will pack up our Christmas tree and get ready for the baby to make its appearance. I'm also feeling a little sad and anxious about finding out our baby's gender. What if it's a boy? We will be happy and excited but in my mind, I have imagined the next year with baby girl colors and characters and outfits and decor. What if it's actually a girl? We will be so happy, but it will sting and hurt at the same time. We miss Brynna all the time. It just isn't something that can feel good either way, although Conner and I will be so excited about a baby girl OR a baby boy.

Physical symptoms: Feelng great!! I have accepted the fact that my cramps might be here until I give birth, and as long as they only indicate baby's growth, I am okay with that.

Miss anything: This past weekend, I was really missing wine. But I'm okay!

Showing yet: Teeny teeny tiny bit of belly (more than usual).

Labor signs: Not for awhile!

Baby movement: None felt, only seen on ultrasound.

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing.

How is Daddy doing: He typically matches my emotions when it comes to the baby.....happy after a positive doctor appointment, hopeful as we approach each new week, relieved when I report on which fruit we can compare the baby's size to. Daddy did not mirror my feelings on the perinatologist appointment, though, and did his own research and discovered that my appointment is with a high-risk specialist who will measure and scan for genetic abnormalities. What we did discuss after Conner's initial panic is that we are electing to have this optional first trimester screening done so that we can get a more in-depth look at the baby. I have had a very healthy pregnancy so far and there are no risks or causes for alarm at this point in time. Everything is a-okay!

Favorite moment this week: Every time I looked down at my phone's background...our 11 1/2 week ultrasound with a baby whose arms and legs stick out. :-)

Looking forward to: An upcoming trip to Vegas for my grandpa's birthday. :-) I'm happy that we are flying, excited to be doing adult things sans alcohol, so excited about staying at Green Valley Ranch, and looking forward to spending the night with family and yummy food.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

11 weeks 3 days

Wahooooooo! I had another ultrasound today, and Bill Murray Jr. is looking fabulous and healthy and growing right on track! Its heart rate is 177bpm! **insert "omg" face here** I was amazed to see the heart rate at 6 weeks exactly, but it seemed low at 93bpm. Then I was floored to see an increase up to 146bpm at 7 weeks 3 days and I thought, "Ehh..it might get a little higher." Now at 177?! Wow! I am so happy with that! Boobaloo, Mommy is very pleased with your progress! The baby was waving arms and legs around, and kept moving, wiggling, dancing around. At one point the doctor went in at one angle for a screen shot or measurement, and then before he could finish, the baby had turned completely around. Maybe he/she will have the dancing skills that Daddy has. ;-)

In the photos below, you can make out a face (always the scariest shot that an ultrasound can pick up, in my opinion), a body, arms, and legs that look more like knees with the feet disappearing behind/below. All baby, no more BLOB!

How many weeks today: 11 weeks and 3 days!

Baby is the size of: LIME! Almost the size of a plum.

Total weight gain/loss: I have broken even. I gained the weight loss back, but no weight gain over my initial weight.

Maternity clothes: None, although I will gladly wear oversized t-shirts and yoga pants all day every day.

Cravings: Just food in general! I will still eat anything. And everything.

Aversions: None. Even the salmon oil we give the dogs doesn't bother me anymore.

Mood: Pretty upbeat and happy! And less irritable! :-)

Physical symptoms: Since I was sick with all that stuff last week, it's hard to measure my energy. I honestly think it's slightly better than my first weeks. I'm still tired, but less tired. No longer using the word "exhausted". My stomach is a roller coaster of so many enjoyable symptoms, my cramps are present and ruling my days and nights, and I lost the soreness that I initially complained about that required sleeping in sports bras. Aside from the daily cramps (which my doctor assures me are normal), I am starting to feel like my old self. Oh but my good ol' friend Heartburn did move in on Monday and brought its buddies Acid Reflux and Indigestion. Still not suffering from morning sickness, so I am thankful for what I've been dealt.

Miss anything: Did I mention SUSHI?!?! I cheated. I had a little sushi. I even had a day in which two meals were lots of seafood. And I had Diet Coke. And had a round of antibiotics last week. I'm just breakin' all the rules lately! But still taking care of myself and being cautious without letting it rule my daily life. I saw someone in my pregnancy group app said, "I know we aren't supposed to have soft-serve ice cream, but I couldn't help myself!" Wait wait wait.... that's a new one for me. Because women have been doing this for way too long, and women even drank and did some serious drugs while pregnant, and some women do not even know they are pregnant until after the point I have reached now, I don't feel so badly about a Diet Coke. ONE Diet Coke. ONE bite of raw tuna before I go back to my baked roll or California roll. Baby is doing just fine and actually appreciated the raw tuna. I just know it.

Showing yet: Not yet! At least not to everyone else. I personally notice a little more of a bulge in the belly, but not much.
Labor signs: Not for awhile!

Baby movement: No :-( just plenty of cramps to remind me that it's growing and it's making my uterus stretch and grow.

Wedding rings on or off: On!
Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing. Still being good in that regard. It's so tempting though!

How is Daddy doing: Daddy is right there alongside me with feelings of anxious nervousness before appointments, and then absolute happiness once we get the confirmation that all is well and we need to stop worrying! He finished one of his daddy books and while he did claim he can write a more humorous and better-formatted book for fathers-to-be, he did also admit that he learned quite a bit. When I complained of heartburn earlier this week, he was quick to tell me, "Oh I just read about that!" He is attending as many doctor appointments as he can, and has gotten used to referring to the baby and "the three of us" and tells the baby he loves it. We discuss the future daily, and it's always positive and happy and hopeful.

Favorite moment this week: Definitely today, as my doctor began the ultrasound and at first I didn't see anything and then I saw a big ol' head, a body, arms, legs, and a beating heart! I was so relieved, and so happy and excited!

Looking forward to:  Finding out the gender.... ooooh so soon!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

An update on my health this week

I was able to get in to see a doctor yesterday, and he ran oxygen levels, did some tests, examined me, pushed and poked and prodded and decided that Bill Murray Jr. is fine, and getting plenty of oxygen even though I have trouble breathing. And it's not a cold! I have a sinus infection, bronchitis, and a double ear infection. Unfortunately, those aren't cured by resting and drinking tea with honey and lemon, and no amount of huffing eucalyptus can take away the pain, so I got hooked up! After discussing it and researching it together on his iPad, Doc declared some angibiotics (mild one, Zithromax) to be Category B, which is the safest medicine can get for pregnancy. Category A are generally foods, topical creams, saline nasal spray I think....the weak stuff! Still nervous, I confirmed its safety with my obgyn and I was good to go.

After the first night of my Z-Pack, plus Robitussin, plus Tylenol Sinus Congestion and Pain, plus Similasan ear drops, and lots and lots and lots of ice water, it's safe to say I woke up feeling.....BETTER!! I can at least breathe through my nose a bit better, and I did manage to get more sleep. This morning though, I woke up to hives on my arm, and I decided I just can't win 'em all.

Bill Murray Jr., Mommy is sorry for pumping you full of medicine last night, but it was necessary to get some rest and air into my lungs. And I'm doing all that I can to avoid pneumonia, which sometimes sneaks up after I have bronchitis.

The first trimester has been rough so far, but not in ways I ever imagined. I am still very thankful that I don't have nausea, thankful that I have not had any issues with Baby, very thankful that we got pregnant on the first try and I am able to experience all of this, thankful for time flying by and being so close to the second trimester, and thankful every single moment that I have such a sweet and supportive husband by my side while I feel so awful. And knock-on-wood, I am thankful for slight weight loss and normal blood pressure so far.

Thank you for reading!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

10 Weeks.....And Absolutely MISERABLE!

Hoorayyyy! I am 10 weeks pregnant! 10 weeks 2 days, actually. In my very first post, I think I counted incorrectly for my countdown to the second trimester. It starts in the 13th week, which is when I have completed 12 weeks. So at 12 weeks, I am officially in the second trimester, the "good" trimester, the "safe" zone, the trimester full of growth and exciting milestones! We will soon find out Bill Murray Jr.'s gender, several tests will be done, I will start to show and not just be bloated and fat, and supposedly I will have an increase in energy.

As I type this, it is 1:00am and I am sitting propped up on plenty of pillows with an ice pack strapped to my forehead. As soon as I'm done writing, it's going to be pulled over my eyes to hopefully relieve some sinus pains and pressure. I am stuffed up, yet runny-nosed, my throat and head hurt, and I am losing my voice over this hoarse cough. The pressure in my sinuses and ears is absolutely unbearable. Anyone who knows how I get sick knows that this is no bueno! I don't just get colds.... I get a cold that quickly turns into bronchitis (every.single.time) and more often than I can count, it leads to a nice mild case of "walking pneumonia". Those things are bad enough if I was otherwise healthy and could take medicine and bundle up and go to bed. Unfortunately, it's summertime, and I am pregnant, and I am hating life. While my entire family is in Tahoe all week, Conner and I are staying at their house with all five dogs. At first we were really excited to have more space and a pool. Then we realized how hard it is to cool the house down with a/c and how stuffy and hot we get at night with five dogs. I have been playing "musical chair" with the bedrooms each night, trying to find a spot to cool off and be comfortable and attempt to sleep in a position that isn't completely flat on my back to avoid suffocating. I feel like Goldilocks, in a way, except far more particular about temperature, bed firmness, amount of pillows, etc. At the moment, I am very comfortable (although I have seriously considered performing sinus surgery on myself and possibly removing my nose). Poor Conner is stuck with all five dogs, sleeping in the only room that doesn't get any a/c at all. I am one lucky woman to have such an understanding husband!

Enough about my cold..... I am 10 weeks! Here is my 10-week info:

How many weeks today: 10. 1/4 of the way done with a 40-week pregnancy!

Baby is the size of a: prune! I can't believe how quickly Baby Boobaloo grows in the first trimester. He/she was just an appleseed not long ago!

Total weigh loss/gain: I'm not going to lie...I had one rough week in the belly department!! I had some new....issues...and my stomach got bloated and hard and I was in so much pain. Issue fixed, and I weighed myself before I got in bed. Same number! Still down 2 pounds from starting weight.

Maternity clothes: none.

Cravings: Mmmmm yes, tomatoes! Grandma Moody gave us a huge bag full of homegrown black prince tomatoes, along with a few cucumbers, a couple zucchini, and some yellow squash (and lots of other yummy foods). I have put quite a dent in the tomato bag by slicing them up to put on toast in the morning, with avocado in the evening, a cucumber and tomato sandwich for lunch today, and I roasted some tomato slices with zucchini and yellow squash slices and mixed them with olive oil, oregano, sea salt, and garlic. I can't get enough tomatoes!!! I'm embracing it now, while I don't suffer from evil heartburn.

Aversions: none.

Mood: Aside from being miserable, I have been in a pretty good mood. I guess I'm a little worried most days, because there is still the uncertainty of what's to come, but I am looking forward to my appointment next Thursday morning. I hope Boobaloo is doin okay with this cough. Every time I cough or sneeze, I cramp up. Please be okay in there, Baby!

Physical Symptoms: Tons, which I have already complained about, but my pregnancy symptoms have dulled a bit since getting sick. I look at that as Mother Nature having a little mercy on me.

Miss Anything: My bed! And sushi. Ooooh I really want any kind of spicy roll from Omega. I don't even care what's on it as long as it has fish and hot chili oil or spicy mayo. Agghhh sushi! Mmmmm with some baked mussels.

Showing Yet: No. I see this as a great thing for now!

Labor Signs: No way!

Baby Movement: I was so convinced that the quick little solid tap-tap-tap-tap that I felt down low and centered on Monday night while I was sitting perfectly still and quiet at my desk was Bill Murray Jr. saying hello and "don't worry about me". Earlier that day I had told Conner about a woman who was my buddy in a February 2013 pregnancy group on my mommy app. She was right along track with me and had seen her baby and a heartbeat at 7 weeks, then went in again on Monday when she should have been almost 10 weeks, only to be told that the baby's heart stopped and it had stopped growing at 8 1/2 weeks. All of her pregnancy symptoms were still present, no sign of anything gone wrong. I know I shouldn't focus on these stories, but I also didn't go searching. It happened and it happens and it's real and it's scary. So I was a little upset on Monday and felt something different that night. I have had my share of gas and know the difference! Maybe this was a muscle spasm, maybe something completely unexplainable. But it made me smile and that is all I needed that night.

Wedding Rings on or off: still on, still spinning.

Items Purchased for Baby This Week: Nothing new purchased, but the WSU Cougar shoes came, as well as the purple Doxie shoes. :-)

How is Daddy Doing: No cold yet, but it's almost impossible to not share illnesses between us. He is doing just fine, but antsy to be home in our own bed again. He is still convinced that the baby is a girl, and while I was thinking the same thing, I am making myself root for Team Blue. We both want a girl so badly, but I have to be open to the possibility that this little bug might be a boy! It's the same thing every expectant couple says when asked which gender they prefer: "We just want healthy!" And we do. Truth be told, we eventually want girls AND boys so we will be thrilled no matter what.

Favorite moment this week: This may sound strange and I can't give a very good reason why, but my favorite moment was grocery shopping with Conner on Saturday. We were in Vons, just picking up some food for the week and ingredients for Conner to make lasagna that night for a couple of friends. I have started to notice our alone time more these days. To me, alone time is just the two of us, even if we are in a public place, no dogs, no computer, no Xbox, no phone, no iPad. We have 6 1/2 months left to be alone. There will be kid-free outings, but I am still learning to really really appreciate US as newlyweds, soon-to-be-parents, and two people who have loved each other for five years!

Looking forward to: My appointment (and ultrasound!) next Thursday, when we will hopefully see Baby Boobaloo wiggling around and waving arms and kicking legs!

So that's my 10-week rant! I am still so happy and excited to be pregnant, despite my bitching and moaning. And still going to have to work on uploading photos because I haven't been on a desktop computer in awhile.


Monday, July 2, 2012

9 Weeks!

How many weeks today: NINE!!! Yay! Four more weeks until I start the 2nd trimester! (Depending on who you ask. I vote end of 12th, start of 13th week.)
Baby is the size of: a green olive. Mmmmmm. 
Total weight gain/loss: -2 pounds! Go me! My clothes feel a little looser, overall, but nothing can combat this bloated belly and the tightness that will only get worse there!
Maternity clothes: None. I am sticking to comfy, stretchy waistbands and skirts or dresses for the most part. I did put on a pair of old jeans, happy to fit into them, but by mid-shift at work I had to use the ol' hair rubberband trick to keep the button closed. Too uncomfortable!
Cravings: None really, except that I still love Mexican food and anything spicy. Well, any food at all. I eat fruit, veggies, cereal, soup, bagels, yogurt, etc.
Aversions: None. The only thing that is starting to bother me is when I feed the dogs in the morning and add salmon oil to their bowls. FOUL! *GAG!*
Mood: The blues took over my weekend, but we did manage to get out and see a movie (and then I went to another movie with Kimberly), and Conner and I had a long talk about what needs to change. And that is the problem. I need some change. Doing the same thing every single day might be having some kind of negative effect on me.... so we both promised: more walks together, more dinners together, less game time/phone/iPad time alone, and work on organizing and cleaning our home.
Physical symptoms: Exhaustion exhaustion exhaustion! Always a teeny tiny bit "crampy", achey by the end of the day, and the word "gassy" doesn't even begin to describe it. TMI? Welcome to MY blog.
Miss anything: I really miss coffee. I was never too big on daily coffee, but it was nice to enjoy a few times a week. I miss you, Keurig. I keep telling myself to go buy a box of decaf k-cups, but I just haven't yet. I also miss alcohol. I know I probably sound like a lush or like I was really into my booze, but I was never THAT big of a drinker.... but just like coffee, it was nice to enjoy once in awhile. It was always nice to say "HELL YES" when offered a margarita or a Corona. I have eyeballed cases of beer almost every time I have gone to the grocery store. No, I won't drink. Maybe one glass later on, and even then, I am sure I will guilt myself into not finishing the half glass of wine or sip of margarita because in the end, every sacrifice is 100% worth the outcome. I will have plenty of time to lush next year. ;-)
Showing yet: Nope! Just chunky! :-)
Labor signs: Negative!

Baby movement: Not yet!
Wedding rings on or off: On and spinning. No chunky fingers yet! At least not chunkier than usual.
Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing. Oh wait, a funny pregnancy book on my iPad. That almost counts for the baby. Oh oh oh, and I did buy some Cougar shoes, as well as some really fugly purple leather bootie-lookin' shoes but only because they are purple and have a DACHSHUND on them!

How is Daddy doing: Daddy is doing well, but I secretly think he is pregnant too. We are both having our ups and downs with emotions (ok, that might just be me), but I swear every time I talk about a headache or backache, he responds with, "me too!" He is supportive, and great with the back rubs and reading his daddy book, and taking note of my daily changes. I don't know how long it will be before I forget that he compared his tooth pain to giving birth. I fully believe that tooth pain IS greater than the pain of giving birth, but I guess I was in no mood to hear a man say that to my face. ;-)
Favorite moment this week: For this one, I will go with the past week, because my weekly count day is Monday. My favorite moment was when we picked up our Chinese food dinner. I know I know. It should be baby-related, but the baby isn't doing much yet, except completely destroying my digestive tract, and I am very food-driven these days! My other favorite moment (which is much sweeter than any kung pao chicken) was when Conner was laying on his side, reading his daddy book, and I was laying in front of him, also trying to read his daddy book, but actually falling asleep in his arms. I am happy to have him with me at every step of the way. Except that tooth pain comparison...seriously.
Looking forward to: Seeing more than just a nubby blog at our next ultrasound! I want to see actual arms and legs, a profile with a cute little nose and lips, a spine, knees, fingers and toes, and GROWTH. I go back to my doctor on 7/19 (11 1/2 weeks), but I have a feeling he will not do another ultrasound then, as they just did one at 7 1/2 weeks and the next scan should be at 15 1/2 or 19 1/2 weeks for me. I have tried to look this up so many times (which weeks will I see an ultrasound, which weeks will just be a regular check-up and monitoring), and it always depends on how risky the pregnancy is, the doctor's preferences, etc. I will see him at 11-12 weeks, 15-16 weeks, 19-20 weeks (we should for sure know the gender by then!), and 23-24 weeks. After that, I will go every two weeks until my last month of pregnancy. Good times. The best part about being pregnant in Simi Valley is that I get to utilize a wonderful resource we have here... and they encourage it! It's called CPC, and they provide basic ultrasounds and counseling for expectant mothers up until 24 weeks gestation. I can pop in there for an ultrasound as a "model" for training u/s technicians, when appointments are available. They can't give me any medical advice or do much, but they have the equipment to see the baby, it's heartbeat, and possibly an early gender detection. Since no one knows how many ultrasounds are TOO many for the baby, I will have to figure out when to schedule something and take family or friends for a show put on by Bill Murray Jr.

That's all for now! Happy July!

****EDIT: I have photos to post to this blog, but can't post just yet. Technical difficulties. Please check back tomorrow or Wednesday.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mood Changes >:(

If weeks 5-7 were all about exhaustion, the theme for weeks 8-9 can be labeled as irritability and restlessness. I'm still pretty exhausted too! That filter that most people have that helps them calm down and count to 10 and think before they say something or do something.... I do believe my filter has grown thin or sometimes disappears entirely. I have been pretty nice to the people in my life, and unfortunately for me, I'm keeping most of my irritations inside and don't actually explode on anyone. However, the wrong comments and rude questions really stew with me until I find something pleasant to distract myself with. My favorite distractions these days include staring at our baby's ultrasound pictures, eating :-), and going for walks!

With any major (or minor) life event, everyone older and so-much-wiser always has an opinion and their way of doing things and a list of the best products to use. This information is given without asking for it, and that's just that. It happened throughout wedding plans, and it has happened since the day we told everyone we are expecting a baby. Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the advice, and hearing about symptoms, and stories of deliveries and c-sections. I take the tips and I have learned so much.

I am sure I sound like an unappreciative brat, but my whole point is that I WANT the tips and the stories and the information. I just don't want you to look at me like I have two heads when I say I'm not nauseous. Everyone is different, just as every pregnancy is different. So far, I'm doin' alright. It is 2012 now and I have countless resources and a wonderful doctor, plenty of books, and even a few pregnancy apps on my iPhone.

I am starting to believe that part of the funk I'm in is because I can't enjoy a margarita. :-)

On a happier note, while I have been a little restless and having bad dreams occasionally, I have had a few dreams about the baby being a boy. I have heard theories on this, but I will share my thoughts once we get a confirmation of this little baby's gender. :-) I do not believe in the wedding ring dangling above my belly on a string test, I will not rely on the heart rate to tell us if our baby is a boy or girl, no cravings will predict a gender. We will just know (hopefully) with an ultrasound within the next two months, and we will be absolutely certain once the baby is born. :-)

I keep saying "the baby", but I really don't like sticking with that! I have quietly been calling the baby "Boobaloo", and to Conner, I refer to the baby as "Bill Murray Jr.", which is definitely more fun. His or her real name is already chosen, but will be a secret until his or her arrival. We have many reasons for doing this, but let's just say we want some sort of surprise on their birthday. Our lips are sealed!

I will be 9 weeks tomorrow, and that weekly count on Mondays puts a huge smile on my face. One week closer to the second trimester, one week closer to finding out the gender, one week closer to meeting our son or daughter.

Week 9 will be about happiness, relaxation, and time laying by the pool all week in week 10. Hopefully a new job (yes, STILL waiting), unfortunately though, no Tahoe for us.

My dad gave me his old iPad!!! That was really surprising and I love it and am getting nonstop use out of it. I already don't enjoy sitting at the computer for too long, so it is nice to have an iPad while relaxing on the couch with my feet up! I am sure I will love it just as much when I'm as big as a whale.

Mmmm time to eat....
