Tuesday, August 7, 2012

14 Weeks

Nobody told me my hair looked this stupid tonight. Ah oh well.

How many weeks today:  14 weeks and 1 day

Baby is the size of: a lemon :-)

Photo above is from our wedding at Limoneira (lemon ranch) on May 5th.
Photo by Stephanie Gill Photography.

Total weight gain/loss: Currently rockin' ZERO!!! No weight gain, no weight loss.

Maternity clothes: I went to take five trash bags and two old duffel bags full of clothes to the Goodwill store and figured I'd browse because I heard they might have maternity clothes mixed in. Sure enough, I bought three pairs of pants for $13 total! Unfortunately, the two pairs of jeans I bought are too short and clearly designed for someone shorter than 5'9" because everything fit and went up and over all of my concerns, but left me with a webbed crotch. The leggings I bought will work for fall and winter. Conner has promised that we are going to shop at Old Navy and maybe a couple of other stores this coming weekend. I am proud to say that I cleaned my closet and dresser out and kept all long flowy shirts, layering tank tops, open cardigans and sweaters, and any stretchy pants that look like they will hold a large belly. I probably won't have to buy too many new pieces of maternity wear. :-)

Cravings: I still love avocados and nectarines, Mexican food, and anything sweet. I crave fruit daily... normally, I am not picky AT ALL and love veggies, but I have been leaning towards fruit for weeks now. I like all forms..... bags of cold grapes (mmm that's what I'm going for after I finish this entry), canned fruit cocktail, or fresh fruit that continues to fill our produce bowls.

My favorites: orange juice, nectarines, apples, avocados, plums!

Aversions: None.

Mood: Happy.. and anxious. I'm anxious to find out what Baby is.... dressing in pink and purple? Blue and green? Are we going to pursue that Star Wars nursery idea? Purple frilly flowery decor? I am also anxious to get our butts in a two-bedroom home soon. I NEED to paint a room, decorate, start storing baby things in an empty room and reduce our one-bedroom apartment clutter. I am generally happy all day long these days, as long as I'm feeling the "baby bubbles". If I have a headache though, stand far far far away.... Poor Conner has been on the receiving end of my wrath a few times now, but I try not to explode too much, and he is great about redirecting my frustration and pain and helping me remedy it with Tylenol and a backrub, or handing me a tall glass of ice water.

Physical symptoms: The headaches continue, but I think I have a better grasp on them now. I have also started feeling extra crampy this week. I no longer worry, the cramps are constant since I was 3 1/2 weeks pregnant and they are mixed in with feeling the baby moving. Our "soccer player" is active, and I still mostly notice it when I am sitting or laying very still. Backaches have begun this past week, in my lower back. All in all, still feeling great and walking and drinking LOTS of water.

Miss anything: Not at the moment...

Showing yet: Yes.

Labor signs: Not for awhile!

Baby movement: Yes... all the time now! I do believe the baby is a fan of the Rolling Stones and Rod Stewart, and long walks with the dogs. Oh yes, and orange juice.

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing for a few more weeks. :-)

How is Daddy doing: Daddy is great! He is very excited to start feeling kicks soon. He is also excited about the cute clothes that my parents have been buying, which got him reeeeally excited to start shopping for his styles too... like a Star Wars onesie, or Game of Thrones tee.

Favorite moment this week: When I received my new bathing suit and tried it on and it fit and was flattering.... ahhh happy.

Looking forward to: August 22nd ultrasound, and Vegas on August 25th. :-)

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