Monday, August 13, 2012

15 weeks

How many weeks today:  15 weeks

Baby is the size of: a navel orange. I went to the store to buy a navel orange, and they only had LARGE navel oranges. Seeing this navel orange next to the lemon from last week makes me question this fruit size comparison, but hey, I'll take it.

Total weight gain/loss: +1, or 2 depending on the day. I am going to lose it this week though. Watch me!

Maternity clothes: I went to a few stores in search of some maternity clothes.... Goodwill was a bust, Kohls has some blah boring clothes that make women look like they are wearing tents, and Ross only carries SHORT maternity jeans where the waist sits very low and allows butt cracks and belly guts to hang out. So I hit Old Navy..... oh happy dayyyy! Their jeans were on sale for $30 each so I picked up two pairs, tried them on, loved them both, went to buy them, and one rang up for $19! I was in a huge hurry that day, but I MUST go back and buy more $19 comfy-as-can-be maternity jeans. Their clearance section also provided some really cute brightly colored $6 dresses. I pride myself on a good bargain, and I was feelin' GREAT as I left Old Navy. When I go back, I will also stop by Burlington Coat Factory to see if they have improved their sections. :-)

Cravings: Mexican food and fruit. ALWAYS! I want a burrito right now.

Aversions: This past week, I have started hating the act of brushing my teeth.... or having a dry throat... so when I go for walks, or even just in the morning at all when my throat is dry, I gag. I gag so badly that I come really close to ending my streak of "no sickness". But haven't yet!

Mood: Always relieved and happy on Mondays as we count another week! I have had some moody days the past couple of days.

Physical symptoms: Crampy, achey in my abdomen, headaches (but nothing horrible or unbearable), and my ability to fall asleep at night has gone downhill. I can be exhausted from a long day, no sleep the night before, but I still lie in bed for hours trying to get comfortable (my back hurts, I'm hot, now I'm cold, etc.). Then around 2:30 am I wake up because my eyes hurt (I know, right? EYES HURT???). I think it's all due to increased congestion, which is also linked to my headaches and discomfort lying down.... my eyes get puffy and irritated and I rub them in my sleep now and then they sting and I wake up, which is good, because I also have to pee. And my throat is dry, so I sit there panting and chugging water before I get back in bed, fall asleep pretty quickly, then I'm up again around 5:30 to pee again. Then woken up at 6:15 to take Conner to the train station. Oddly enough, I do not feel tired throughout the day. My energy is nowhere near as bad as it was in the first trimester, when I felt like someone had given me Nyquil and drowsy allergy medicine and told me I was not allowed to nap.

Miss anything: This past Saturday, we celebrated Chiara's 3rd birthday with a pool party at my parents' house. As usual, I missed out on margaritas. I'm going to have the biggest, strongest margarita ever after this baby arrives. :-)

Showing yet: Yes. I feel like my belly is harder and popped out and maternity clothes do nothing to hide it, they flaunt it. So I'm done hiding.... belly is here, baby is showing itself, and I'm embracing it.

Labor signs: Not for awhile!

Baby movement: Allllllll day long. My favorite moments are still when I'm driving to or from work, and feeling the baby constantly at work, and when I'm in bed. I don't feel it much in the morning, or late at night (rarely), so maybe the baby is already a good sleeper. I know patterns will change and I barely feel the baby now....I am excited for full-on strong kicks.  

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Items purchased for baby this week: I haven't bought anything for baby this week, but am about to hit the "place order" button on a really cute GIRL outfit.... I had an easter dress in my shopping cart last week, and now I am trying not to buy this girly purple outfit. I feel like if I buy a gender-specific outfit before we find out Bill Murray's gender, it is going to be the opposite gender. I also have a little boy outfit saved but haven't bought it yet. Ahhhhhh the wait is so unbearable!! :-)

How is Daddy doing: Daddy is doing well. He is excited to find out the gender! While we swam on Saturday, he kept making comments about how great a swimmer our child will be, and how he can't wait for all of the things he is going to teach them. With the Olympics and now a kid birthday party, he has been doing some major thinking and planning for the future.

Favorite moment this week: I had a lot of fun at Chiara's party.... great food, fun times in the pool and mingling, and I got some compliments on my new bathing suit, which made me feel really great about myself. Now ordering the suit in more colors.

Looking forward to: Our ultrasound next Wednesday!! 9 Days!

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