Friday, August 17, 2012

Quick almost-16-weeks update...

I had a routine check-up for me and baby yesterday morning. No ultrasound, just weight and blood pressure check, and then I got to hear our baby's heartbeat on the doppler and had any questions answered, discussed testing and what not, etc. It was quick and very painless.

In the back of my mind, I was sort of dreading the appointment because I have gained 2 pounds, and already being overweight and walking and TRYING to eat healthier, my goal is to gain ZERO. My doctor's goal is for me to gain no more than 12-15 pounds. I was expecting a lecture, but instead, my doctor was beaming and said he is really proud of me and happy with the 2 pound gain, and if I keep it up, he is going to continue to be just as thrilled.

We listened to the baby's heartbeat, which sounded nice and strong and still fast, but very healthy. He felt around on my belly and said everything looks, sounds, feels great and to keep it up.

We discussed the results of my NT scan (First Trimester Screening), which were negative, and now I need to go have more bloodwork done for my Second Trimester Screening. I was instructed to not make any travel plans after 34 weeks, and he will see me again on September 13th for my 19 1/2 week scan, during which he will be happy to show us the baby's gender. In the meantime, he wished me good luck at our early peek next week.

I love leaving his office happy and smiling. :-) Oh, and p.s. I already lost the 2 pounds! I am one pound under my starting weight today.

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