Monday, October 29, 2012




We went to Beasty's studio on Sunday to have Halloween photos taken. Normally, I would not subject Conner to such torture, but I took the opportunity to have our adorable dogs and our adorable selves dressed in Halloween spirit and ready to document our first Halloween as ALMOST-parents (aka documenting that huge BUMP!). Next year, we don't have to be in the photos, we'll just drag Corbin and the dogs to do this photo shoot again. Sadly, I did not get a photo of Dwight with my phone this day, but as soon as I have the professional shots, I will post them.... because they are freakin' ADORABLE!
Our clever baby/burger shirts were made by my mom! :) Yes, Corbin is actually doing that inside me! Also my mom's suggestion: buying clearanced Halloween print fabric and cutting bandanas to make the dogs more festive instead of stuffing them into their dinosaur costumes again. :)

How many weeks today:  26. Only one more week until I start the 3rd trimester!
Baby is the size of: a hothouse cucumber (>14 inches, or ~2 lbs)! If you don't already know, those are the super long skinny cucumbers that sometimes come individually wrapped. LONG!!!
Total weight gain/loss: I think a safe guess is more like +10. We will see on November 7th.
Maternity clothes: Loving them!
Cravings: Sweet stuff... lots of chocolate. :(
Aversions: Brushing my teeth, but yes, I still do it.
Mood: I am happy and hopeful and excited all day most days. Today though, I was tired. And when I am tired, and I have spent all day in training learning something I already know, then sit in traffic with the sun in that perfect spot that can't be blocked by the visor or anything else in the car, with allergies lingering, and with a husband who makes requests for me to "go around this car, now get in the left lane, now traffice is going to slow for a bit...", I am bound to SNAP! I was nice though.
Physical symptoms: Backaches are not that bad, headaches are almost non-existent now, and I feel pretty great all things considering. However, I do NOT see how this boy can grow anymore, because I feel him low and I feel him up in my ribs (it finally started hurting) and I know it will only get worse from here on out. (Literally, worse on the way OUT if he is as big as we think he is!) I have no other way to describe it except that he makes my uterus (now a humongous size) feel HEAVY and ACHY. Oh soooooo heavy and achy. But I love him and am grateful to feel him grow.
Miss anything: I was reading a website of a restaurant I am going to soon, looking at their happy hour, and yes, I am back to missing margaritas and tequila. Conner has offered to be designated driver the first few times we go enjoy ourselves post-delivery.
Showing yet: Yes, I think it's safe to say I have started to show.
Labor signs: Not yet, and it has started to sink in that this could actually happen soon. Not tomorrow (PLEASE NO, NOT TOMORROW), but certainly sooner than February 4th. I have always known that February 4th is an ESTIMATION based on ovulation/menstrual dates. Nobody can predict when baby comes, only baby knows that baby is coming and usually not until baby is coming. Even though this is a known fact, I still never really acknowledged the possibility that we might be headed to the hospital sooner, January. In our birth class of about 15 couples, two have gone into labor early. One was induced at 34 weeks because of preeclampsia, one went into spontaneous labor at 25 weeks (and her baby girl is doing okay so far). A third just had her baby a week or two before her due date and it was a very healthy at-home birth. But we are dropping like flies in that class! I have the latest due date out of everyone, but still.... it's sinking in. He's coming.
Baby movement: I am afraid to write much here, because Corbin is somehow reading my blog. He has "graduated" yet again. From flutters to taps to strong fluttery kicks in one spot, now to limbs protruding and big nauseating rolling and somersaulting, and he now responds to my pokes and pushes, and he pokes and pushes and kicks and karate chops back. He is still moving ALL DAY LONG (off and on of course), and Conner and I are loving every moment of it. It's so neat, and so creepy and alien at the same time! :-)
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Items purchased for baby this week: Daddy bought ice cream for us, Corbin. You are welcome.
How is Daddy doing: He's pretty happy now that his baby boy is more active and easily felt from the outside. New tricks make us both pretty happy. As we were sitting in class watching a video on how much newborns react to certain stimulation, their alert (and not-so-alert) phases, he leaned over and whispered, "I can't WAIT to hang out with Corbin!" We have very big plans in all of our spare time from now until after we move in February, and much of those plans include prepping for Corbin's arrival. Conner is ready. Soooo ready!
Conner might not enjoy that I posted this photo, but I think it's sweet. He has conversations with Corbin..... nothing really serious, just sort of chats with him, feels him move, etc.
Favorite moment this week: Saturday was fun.... Kelly and Vanessa came down, and we all got together for Family Dinner Night and played Cards Against Humanity (such a raunchy but fun adult game!), and we saw Corbin's crib all put together, and I showed a couple of people how much of Corbin we can feel when I lay on my back (pointed out what I think is his head, butt, limbs, etc.) and it really amazed Cameron. :-)
Looking forward to: Our trip up north in just a few weeks. Yayyyyy family time! I am also looking forward to getting a new phone soon. Conner and I agreed that we will "gift" each other (or ourselves) new phones for Christmas, just in time to have phones that both actually WORK and don't freeze up, that take great photos of a new baby, that have navigation if need be, internet, etc. Smart phones for the whole family!

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