Thursday, October 4, 2012

22 weeks checkup + something new for Corbin

Corbin and I had our 22-week appointment today, which I think was accidentally scheduled a week ahead of when it should have been, as it has only been three weeks since my last appointment and I am generally in there every four weeks. It works out perfectly though, because I was able to go in on my time before I start my full-time job next week. My next appointment will be November 1st, HOPEFULLY after I am done with my weeks of training at my new job, and after I have started a 7-4 shift. And then four weeks after that appointment will be just in time for our trip up to the Northwest, so we are hoping to schedule that appointment (an ultrasound) on the day we fly back home, so that neither of us has to miss any more work days than necessary. None of this is important to anyone reading, I'm just sort of thinking and typing and making mental notes to myself for scheduling. :-)

Today's appointment went great! I have gained one pound since last time, and my doctor was very happy with that. I have decided to stop stepping on our bathroom scale, because it's misleading, my weight changes from day to day depending on what I have eaten and how much water is in me when I actually step on the thing, so I will just be trusting Doc's scale from now on. My total weight gain is +8 pounds, which is a-okay. My blood pressure was great, although I never remember what it is! It lowered a little bit, but is very healthy. Corbin's heart rate is healthy, and although we did not measure or get a BPM, I did get to hear it with the Doppler. There were other noises too, and my doctor explained that it was Corbin moving around..quite a bit! I could feel him pick up activity as I was in the waiting room, but didn't think I would be able to hear him so well.

Next step.... the dreaded glucose test, where I eat a super light breakfast and then go drink the sweet drink and have blood drawn. That test must happen between 24 and 26 weeks. Or maybe it's 24 and 28 weeks. See how quickly I forget details? Either way, I am going when I hit 24 weeks, which is in just about a week!

My doctor also informed me that I best be getting my flu shot soon, and if I have not had the DTaP vaccine in awhile, I need to be up-to-date on that as well. I asked if the flu shot matters for anyone in contact with me or who will be in contact with Corbin, and while the flu shot does not matter for others, the DTaP vaccine DOES matter..... so anyone who will be around Corbin needs to get updated on their shots. My mom is already taking the steps to get our immediate family vaccinated, and I will be emailing or notifying others. Part of me thinks it's just an over-caution, but another part of me thinks it's a pretty good idea if my doctor is instructing me to do so.

Today, my doctor asked me if we had chosen a name, so I told him, and watched him make note of it in his tablet. I have no idea if it's an iPad in a really cool case, or something awesome that I don't know about yet, but they have an amazing system where they keep all records and a profile of all details stored in their system and can access it from his tablet, whether he is home, at the hospital, or in his office. It keeps record of all tests and screening results, it reminded him to tell me about the DTAP and flu shot, it now has our son's name in it, notes that I am walking, notes about what family members have come with me to appointments, etc. After he wrote Corbin's name, he asked about circumcision preferences and made note that he will be performing it almost immediately in the hospital. Super. After he had written Corbin's name and what we plan to do to his foreskin, it hit me that the BIRTH questions are coming now. It's getting more and more real, and closer and closer to the big day. "When was your last period?" and "Any spotting?" have been replaced with "What are we calling this little boy?" and pretty soon, talk of NOT inducing and how long past my due date will he let me go, who can be in the room for the delivery, etc. etc. CORBIN IS COMING!!!

While I was talking to the nurse, I remembered to ask about some very important information..... when do I have to start coming in more often, when will he start checking my cervix, etc. Did I need to know for medical purposes? No. I was curious because of my new job and scheduling accordingly so that I don't miss much work. I was also dying to know when I would be required to take my pants off again, hence the cervix-check question. I have an ultrasound in two months, when I am about 30 weeks or 31 weeks, then at 36 weeks I will be required to get naked once again for the Strep test, then regular "down-there checks" at about 36-38 weeks. TRANSLATION: I don't have to shave my legs until January.

I left there feeling pretty great, went to Old Navy and tried on some clearance maternity clothes (hellooooo $1.97 cropped jeans - didn't get them, didn't fit, but still..), looked at shoes, decided it was best that I did not spend money on myself today, and came home to see that a package had arrived. Together in one box were "Young Frankenstein" on Blu-Ray (thank you, Conner) and three books that I recently purchased for Corbin. Two of them are Little Golden Books and I honestly picked them out as maternity photo shoot props for Conner to hold.... one is called Daddies, the other is called the Wonders of Nature. They're adorable! The third book is a teeny tiny little blue book called What Are Little Boys Made Of? I thought it was bigger when I bought it online, and had planned on using it as a guest book for my baby shower, but it will still be an adorable photo prop and all three books will be great to add to Corbin's library. If there is one thing I love buying, it's childrens books. Conner and I are both firm believers that a child can never have too many books, and I have always loved reading to the kids that I babysit for. Most of the time, I gift a book and a toy for any kid's birthday, because the toy is the fun gift that keeps me on their good side and the book is because everyone could use another book! So anyway, I am pretty stoked about these books......

They forgot snot, and bruises, and boogers, and stinky socks.... but still an adorable book about what boys are made of! :-)
Just for good measure, here are the dogs that we are not quite neglecting yet. Ellie & Dwight are so sweet, and have come so far! As our apartment gets cluttered and big changes are happening, they have been very good.... well, as long as you don't count shredding a bag of trash a couple of nights ago. They will be great "big brother and big sister" to Corbin, their baby. We love these two so much!

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