Thursday, October 18, 2012

24 weeks!

How many weeks today:  24 1/2! (I missed the 24 week mark because I am exhausted from my new job...)  ;-)

Baby is the size of: corn! He is just over a foot long, and just over one pound. Crazy baby boy.

Total weight gain/loss: I go to my doc on November 1st, but I think I'm about +8 pounds now.

Maternity clothes: They are so wonderful, forgiving, flattering, comfortable.

Cravings: I am convinced that I still "PMS" because I go through monthly phases when I want salty greasy foods and CHOCOLATE. I'm sure I can't PMS, but my stress, sleep, and diet affect what I want to eat. Nothing weird, still eating fairly normal foods.

Aversions:  Such a gagger when I brush my teeth! Conner isn't even allowed in the bathroom when I'm brushing, because seeing his facial hair, or hearing him make any kind of body noise will make me vomit. ONLY WHEN I BRUSH MY TEETH THOUGH!  

Mood: Super super super happy and antsy for these fun holidays to start. Each week is so positive and upbeat in our mega-countdown to the big day. I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas, except "Christmas" is coming on or around February 4th, and will involved sweet little baby noises and soft skin and cries and new daily activities and more-than-likely-awful sleep patterns. I CANNOT WAIT!!!

Physical symptoms: My lower back hurts after I have stood for too long, my butt hurts after I have sat for too long, and my uterus aches and pulls and feels extremely heavy by the end of the day. Even by midday. Even if it's morning and I have been awake for awhile. My poor bladder, which is still very much in control by the way, is in so much pain and constantly needing to hurry to the bathroom. Whyyyyy?! Why?! So much pressure, so much weight, and Corbin is sitting so low. It will only get worse. :-) My eczema and acne are a little better, and will be even better now that I received an amazing and sweet gift from my Aunt Jeannine! She sent me some spearmint good-for-your-skin face soap and lotion, a new "luffa" from a "luffa farm" that grows them, and some chamomile bath soak. So thoughtful of her!

Miss anything: Hmmm.... not really. Not today. Oh I do miss bending over without pain.

Showing yet: Yes.

Labor signs:  Nope. Hoping to keep this answer the same until at least mid-January.

Baby movement: Corbin kicks and wiggles and stretches all day long. He still isn't full-blown kicking me HARD, but he certainly moves quite a bit. I love it! And those rolling movements when he switches positions (I think) that make me nauseous are becoming more frequent. I would love to know what he's doing when that happens.

Wedding rings on or off: On! Happy for no swelling, unless I have been walking and swinging my arms.

Items purchased for baby this week: This week, I bought him some flip-flops... super cute! They are black and lime green and have a shark on each one.

How is Daddy doing: As always, Daddy is excited and looking forward to having a baby. He is still very supportive of our natural childbirth classes, although it is more and more difficult convincing him to go when the time comes to head to our class. I understand, trust me! And Conner sits through it and he appreciates the information that we get out of it. Today, we were exchanging emails while we were both at work, and talked about how celebrations will change once Corbin is here. Easter with a newborn, Mothers Day and Fathers Day as parents, Tahoe with an infant, and ahhhhh can't wait to have Corbin sitting in a high chair eating mashed up Thanksgiving food next November. We get to be SANTA next Christmas and for many more Christmases after that. We can't wait to take him to the zoo, and I asked Conner if he thinks Corbin will love elephants too, although I predict he will take interest in birds when he is young, and then slowly get into the big cats. Haha, it's fun to imagine life with him. We are both sooooooooooooo excited!

Favorite moment this week: I have no idea.... it has been a great week with my new job, with Corbin, with Conner, etc.

Looking forward to: February. Always looking forward to February. In the nearer future, I am looking forward to our trip up to the Northwest, followed by an ultrasound at about 31/32 weeks.

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