Tuesday, October 23, 2012

25 weeks and wanting PIE.

Conner didn't actually react to my belly with that face. He LOVES my belly! He really truly celebrates me, Corbin, and all of the crazy changes. This trio was created by me yesterday because I thought it was funny. Conner was recreating a facial expression from an exhibit at the Getty. The top right photo is my original gut, and the bottom right photo was taken yesterday morning..... there's my big belly. :-)

How many weeks today:
  25 +1 day

Baby is the size of: a rutabaga. I have never really seen a rutabaga I guess, at least not a raw whole one. So I googled it.... This is NOT my belly in the photo, but it IS a rutabaga. Average size: 13.5 inches!!! :)

Total weight gain/loss: I go to my doc on November 1st, but I think I'm about +9 pounds now.
Maternity clothes: Loving them!Cravings: I recently wanted egg nog, and so I went to Jack in the Box and got myself an egg nog shake. Suuuuuper healthy! Today I wanted pie. I didn't get it.
Aversions:  Brushing my teeth, but yes, I still do it.
Mood: Sooooo anxious!
Physical symptoms: Lower backaches once in awhile, achy tired heavy feeling by mid-morning.... not much else, I guess.
Miss anything: Not so much this last week.
Showing yet: Yes.... until post-pregnancy. Hopefully SOON after delivery, but I won't hold my breath.
Labor signs: Nope. Hoping to keep this answer the same until at least mid-January.
Baby movement: Wiggles, jabs, stretches, pokes, not-so-much big strong kicks.... it's almost constant, and I am LOVING feeling his patterns of hiccups. While the wiggly tickly "kicks" are still felt extremely low and front n center, I have also started feeling pressure and almost a slight burning push higher up CLOSE to my rib area.... sometimes I feel both ends at once, and after seeing the rutabaga, now I understand!
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing this week. Sorry, Corbin.
How is Daddy doing: He is as excited as ever!! Always always always! :) I think he is more excited (right now) that we are almost done with our natural childbirth classes. He's stoked for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas... and of course, he can't wait for our baby boy to be born! His head is very IN IT all. He's going to be an incredible birth coach! Favorite moment this week: My favorite moment was TODAY, when I called my doctor's office for the results of my glucose test. They also tested for Anemia, and both tests came back great! I was stoked to not have to go back to do the three-hour glucose blood test (mostly because I can't take time off of work at this point), and even more stoked to be hearing that Gestational Diabetes is a big fat NEGATIVE.
Looking forward to: Being done with two weeks of training in my old work location and getting back to work at my new job, which I absolutely LOVE. Also, as usual, looking forward to all holidays, family time, traveling up north, the birth of our son, and really looking forward to whenever this whole "nesting" thing kicks in and takes over the "lazy ass who wants to eat and sleep".

As previously mentioned, my glucose test results were negative.... or positive. I mean, negative for GD, but a positive outcome. I was all ready to starve all day one day next week and go do the three-hour test, but am so glad that this test is another great result! I am so proud of the way things have gone so far..... weight gain is going fine, blood pressure has been good, all blood tests have come back great, and overall, I can't complain about my symptoms in comparison to other pregnant women. This has been easy. It has been enjoyable, and I really love being pregnant, and I hope that all future pregnancies are just as awesome. Watch, we will find out in six weeks at our ultrasound that we have a breech baby who has to be surgically delivered. Agh, no matter what happens, Conner and I are incredibly thankful and will be happy with a healthy baby boy who comes home with us in February.

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