Monday, October 29, 2012




We went to Beasty's studio on Sunday to have Halloween photos taken. Normally, I would not subject Conner to such torture, but I took the opportunity to have our adorable dogs and our adorable selves dressed in Halloween spirit and ready to document our first Halloween as ALMOST-parents (aka documenting that huge BUMP!). Next year, we don't have to be in the photos, we'll just drag Corbin and the dogs to do this photo shoot again. Sadly, I did not get a photo of Dwight with my phone this day, but as soon as I have the professional shots, I will post them.... because they are freakin' ADORABLE!
Our clever baby/burger shirts were made by my mom! :) Yes, Corbin is actually doing that inside me! Also my mom's suggestion: buying clearanced Halloween print fabric and cutting bandanas to make the dogs more festive instead of stuffing them into their dinosaur costumes again. :)

How many weeks today:  26. Only one more week until I start the 3rd trimester!
Baby is the size of: a hothouse cucumber (>14 inches, or ~2 lbs)! If you don't already know, those are the super long skinny cucumbers that sometimes come individually wrapped. LONG!!!
Total weight gain/loss: I think a safe guess is more like +10. We will see on November 7th.
Maternity clothes: Loving them!
Cravings: Sweet stuff... lots of chocolate. :(
Aversions: Brushing my teeth, but yes, I still do it.
Mood: I am happy and hopeful and excited all day most days. Today though, I was tired. And when I am tired, and I have spent all day in training learning something I already know, then sit in traffic with the sun in that perfect spot that can't be blocked by the visor or anything else in the car, with allergies lingering, and with a husband who makes requests for me to "go around this car, now get in the left lane, now traffice is going to slow for a bit...", I am bound to SNAP! I was nice though.
Physical symptoms: Backaches are not that bad, headaches are almost non-existent now, and I feel pretty great all things considering. However, I do NOT see how this boy can grow anymore, because I feel him low and I feel him up in my ribs (it finally started hurting) and I know it will only get worse from here on out. (Literally, worse on the way OUT if he is as big as we think he is!) I have no other way to describe it except that he makes my uterus (now a humongous size) feel HEAVY and ACHY. Oh soooooo heavy and achy. But I love him and am grateful to feel him grow.
Miss anything: I was reading a website of a restaurant I am going to soon, looking at their happy hour, and yes, I am back to missing margaritas and tequila. Conner has offered to be designated driver the first few times we go enjoy ourselves post-delivery.
Showing yet: Yes, I think it's safe to say I have started to show.
Labor signs: Not yet, and it has started to sink in that this could actually happen soon. Not tomorrow (PLEASE NO, NOT TOMORROW), but certainly sooner than February 4th. I have always known that February 4th is an ESTIMATION based on ovulation/menstrual dates. Nobody can predict when baby comes, only baby knows that baby is coming and usually not until baby is coming. Even though this is a known fact, I still never really acknowledged the possibility that we might be headed to the hospital sooner, January. In our birth class of about 15 couples, two have gone into labor early. One was induced at 34 weeks because of preeclampsia, one went into spontaneous labor at 25 weeks (and her baby girl is doing okay so far). A third just had her baby a week or two before her due date and it was a very healthy at-home birth. But we are dropping like flies in that class! I have the latest due date out of everyone, but still.... it's sinking in. He's coming.
Baby movement: I am afraid to write much here, because Corbin is somehow reading my blog. He has "graduated" yet again. From flutters to taps to strong fluttery kicks in one spot, now to limbs protruding and big nauseating rolling and somersaulting, and he now responds to my pokes and pushes, and he pokes and pushes and kicks and karate chops back. He is still moving ALL DAY LONG (off and on of course), and Conner and I are loving every moment of it. It's so neat, and so creepy and alien at the same time! :-)
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Items purchased for baby this week: Daddy bought ice cream for us, Corbin. You are welcome.
How is Daddy doing: He's pretty happy now that his baby boy is more active and easily felt from the outside. New tricks make us both pretty happy. As we were sitting in class watching a video on how much newborns react to certain stimulation, their alert (and not-so-alert) phases, he leaned over and whispered, "I can't WAIT to hang out with Corbin!" We have very big plans in all of our spare time from now until after we move in February, and much of those plans include prepping for Corbin's arrival. Conner is ready. Soooo ready!
Conner might not enjoy that I posted this photo, but I think it's sweet. He has conversations with Corbin..... nothing really serious, just sort of chats with him, feels him move, etc.
Favorite moment this week: Saturday was fun.... Kelly and Vanessa came down, and we all got together for Family Dinner Night and played Cards Against Humanity (such a raunchy but fun adult game!), and we saw Corbin's crib all put together, and I showed a couple of people how much of Corbin we can feel when I lay on my back (pointed out what I think is his head, butt, limbs, etc.) and it really amazed Cameron. :-)
Looking forward to: Our trip up north in just a few weeks. Yayyyyy family time! I am also looking forward to getting a new phone soon. Conner and I agreed that we will "gift" each other (or ourselves) new phones for Christmas, just in time to have phones that both actually WORK and don't freeze up, that take great photos of a new baby, that have navigation if need be, internet, etc. Smart phones for the whole family!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

25 weeks and wanting PIE.

Conner didn't actually react to my belly with that face. He LOVES my belly! He really truly celebrates me, Corbin, and all of the crazy changes. This trio was created by me yesterday because I thought it was funny. Conner was recreating a facial expression from an exhibit at the Getty. The top right photo is my original gut, and the bottom right photo was taken yesterday morning..... there's my big belly. :-)

How many weeks today:
  25 +1 day

Baby is the size of: a rutabaga. I have never really seen a rutabaga I guess, at least not a raw whole one. So I googled it.... This is NOT my belly in the photo, but it IS a rutabaga. Average size: 13.5 inches!!! :)

Total weight gain/loss: I go to my doc on November 1st, but I think I'm about +9 pounds now.
Maternity clothes: Loving them!Cravings: I recently wanted egg nog, and so I went to Jack in the Box and got myself an egg nog shake. Suuuuuper healthy! Today I wanted pie. I didn't get it.
Aversions:  Brushing my teeth, but yes, I still do it.
Mood: Sooooo anxious!
Physical symptoms: Lower backaches once in awhile, achy tired heavy feeling by mid-morning.... not much else, I guess.
Miss anything: Not so much this last week.
Showing yet: Yes.... until post-pregnancy. Hopefully SOON after delivery, but I won't hold my breath.
Labor signs: Nope. Hoping to keep this answer the same until at least mid-January.
Baby movement: Wiggles, jabs, stretches, pokes, not-so-much big strong kicks.... it's almost constant, and I am LOVING feeling his patterns of hiccups. While the wiggly tickly "kicks" are still felt extremely low and front n center, I have also started feeling pressure and almost a slight burning push higher up CLOSE to my rib area.... sometimes I feel both ends at once, and after seeing the rutabaga, now I understand!
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing this week. Sorry, Corbin.
How is Daddy doing: He is as excited as ever!! Always always always! :) I think he is more excited (right now) that we are almost done with our natural childbirth classes. He's stoked for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas... and of course, he can't wait for our baby boy to be born! His head is very IN IT all. He's going to be an incredible birth coach! Favorite moment this week: My favorite moment was TODAY, when I called my doctor's office for the results of my glucose test. They also tested for Anemia, and both tests came back great! I was stoked to not have to go back to do the three-hour glucose blood test (mostly because I can't take time off of work at this point), and even more stoked to be hearing that Gestational Diabetes is a big fat NEGATIVE.
Looking forward to: Being done with two weeks of training in my old work location and getting back to work at my new job, which I absolutely LOVE. Also, as usual, looking forward to all holidays, family time, traveling up north, the birth of our son, and really looking forward to whenever this whole "nesting" thing kicks in and takes over the "lazy ass who wants to eat and sleep".

As previously mentioned, my glucose test results were negative.... or positive. I mean, negative for GD, but a positive outcome. I was all ready to starve all day one day next week and go do the three-hour test, but am so glad that this test is another great result! I am so proud of the way things have gone so far..... weight gain is going fine, blood pressure has been good, all blood tests have come back great, and overall, I can't complain about my symptoms in comparison to other pregnant women. This has been easy. It has been enjoyable, and I really love being pregnant, and I hope that all future pregnancies are just as awesome. Watch, we will find out in six weeks at our ultrasound that we have a breech baby who has to be surgically delivered. Agh, no matter what happens, Conner and I are incredibly thankful and will be happy with a healthy baby boy who comes home with us in February.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

24 weeks!

How many weeks today:  24 1/2! (I missed the 24 week mark because I am exhausted from my new job...)  ;-)

Baby is the size of: corn! He is just over a foot long, and just over one pound. Crazy baby boy.

Total weight gain/loss: I go to my doc on November 1st, but I think I'm about +8 pounds now.

Maternity clothes: They are so wonderful, forgiving, flattering, comfortable.

Cravings: I am convinced that I still "PMS" because I go through monthly phases when I want salty greasy foods and CHOCOLATE. I'm sure I can't PMS, but my stress, sleep, and diet affect what I want to eat. Nothing weird, still eating fairly normal foods.

Aversions:  Such a gagger when I brush my teeth! Conner isn't even allowed in the bathroom when I'm brushing, because seeing his facial hair, or hearing him make any kind of body noise will make me vomit. ONLY WHEN I BRUSH MY TEETH THOUGH!  

Mood: Super super super happy and antsy for these fun holidays to start. Each week is so positive and upbeat in our mega-countdown to the big day. I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas, except "Christmas" is coming on or around February 4th, and will involved sweet little baby noises and soft skin and cries and new daily activities and more-than-likely-awful sleep patterns. I CANNOT WAIT!!!

Physical symptoms: My lower back hurts after I have stood for too long, my butt hurts after I have sat for too long, and my uterus aches and pulls and feels extremely heavy by the end of the day. Even by midday. Even if it's morning and I have been awake for awhile. My poor bladder, which is still very much in control by the way, is in so much pain and constantly needing to hurry to the bathroom. Whyyyyy?! Why?! So much pressure, so much weight, and Corbin is sitting so low. It will only get worse. :-) My eczema and acne are a little better, and will be even better now that I received an amazing and sweet gift from my Aunt Jeannine! She sent me some spearmint good-for-your-skin face soap and lotion, a new "luffa" from a "luffa farm" that grows them, and some chamomile bath soak. So thoughtful of her!

Miss anything: Hmmm.... not really. Not today. Oh I do miss bending over without pain.

Showing yet: Yes.

Labor signs:  Nope. Hoping to keep this answer the same until at least mid-January.

Baby movement: Corbin kicks and wiggles and stretches all day long. He still isn't full-blown kicking me HARD, but he certainly moves quite a bit. I love it! And those rolling movements when he switches positions (I think) that make me nauseous are becoming more frequent. I would love to know what he's doing when that happens.

Wedding rings on or off: On! Happy for no swelling, unless I have been walking and swinging my arms.

Items purchased for baby this week: This week, I bought him some flip-flops... super cute! They are black and lime green and have a shark on each one.

How is Daddy doing: As always, Daddy is excited and looking forward to having a baby. He is still very supportive of our natural childbirth classes, although it is more and more difficult convincing him to go when the time comes to head to our class. I understand, trust me! And Conner sits through it and he appreciates the information that we get out of it. Today, we were exchanging emails while we were both at work, and talked about how celebrations will change once Corbin is here. Easter with a newborn, Mothers Day and Fathers Day as parents, Tahoe with an infant, and ahhhhh can't wait to have Corbin sitting in a high chair eating mashed up Thanksgiving food next November. We get to be SANTA next Christmas and for many more Christmases after that. We can't wait to take him to the zoo, and I asked Conner if he thinks Corbin will love elephants too, although I predict he will take interest in birds when he is young, and then slowly get into the big cats. Haha, it's fun to imagine life with him. We are both sooooooooooooo excited!

Favorite moment this week: I have no idea.... it has been a great week with my new job, with Corbin, with Conner, etc.

Looking forward to: February. Always looking forward to February. In the nearer future, I am looking forward to our trip up to the Northwest, followed by an ultrasound at about 31/32 weeks.

Monday, October 8, 2012

23 weeks.... Mango Baby, Eczema, the Black Keys, & Clancys Visit!

Tuesday, October 2, 

Here I am modeling Corbin at 23 weeks. It's a known fact that if you don't pose and do something fabulous with your leg, you just look frumpy. I think I'm carrying pretty low, and I know that Corbin sits very low in there because I feel him (and pressure) in a low spot, and kicks are felt VERY low. Hopefully he stays that way, keeps his head down when necessary, and doesn't get too crowded with my lungs as weeks go by.

****This entry was originally started on my iPad, and I have no idea how to get rid of the little bubble that says the date is Tuesday, October 2nd. It's not even showing up on the desktop computer. Also, all fonts and spacing are whack. Yayyyyyyyyy Blogger.

How many weeks today: 23. Approximately 17 more to go! Please don't take longer than 17, Corbin.
Baby is the size of: a large mango. He currently weighs just over a pound and is measuring just about a foot long, maybe longer. I feel excited and happy to be reaching the pound and foot milestones at the same time!

Total weight gain/loss: +7 or +8...see, I'm coming to terms with it. I do still get on our scale some mornings and I am about 5 pounds over my starting weight. Whatever the number, I am proud and my doctor is happy.

Maternity clothes: Yes. This week's challenge: wear something more concealing at my new job before I am forced to out myself as a pregnant new employee.

Cravings: Spicy, salty, etc. Same same same.

Aversions: None.

Mood: I'm happy and excited as the weeks count down to Corbin's arrival. Today though, I am anxious and nervous about starting my new job...I'm afraid of when and how to have the "I need time off at the end of January" talk, and whether or not I will be able to choose a 7-4 schedule and make it to late afternoon doctor appointments without  missing work during my probationary period. Like most people, I don't enjoy changes or uncertainty, but I am trying to welcome it all as a fresh start, more income and regularity with a work schedule, double coverage of benefits, more time with Conner, and a somewhat secure position rather than a contractor position. Another thing to add to my mood is my newfound love of daydreaming about Corbin's birth day. I imagine it going so well, and it's very specific. I imagine the first week at home with him, and visitors, and taking him to Disneyland when his cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents come visit. It's way too much fun thinking about it all!

Physical symptoms: Listed in order of how much they are driving me absolutely CRAZY.... Eczema, acne, headaches, cramping, lower backaches, having to pee all the time, thirsty, tired, whiny, irritable. All in all, it's really not THAT bad. My new discomforts are my skin (which is being a total jerk) and my huge belly that rolls and aches and makes me feel like I am on a roller coaster sometimes. It also makes me feel like a turtle stuck on its back. I do love my belly though, and the little boy inside it. 

Miss anything: Tanning. I know it was never good for me, but if it had one huge benefit, it was my eczema cure! I had great skin! Very little (or no) acne and NO eczema breakouts. I'm currently sporting a rash that looks like a rosy blotchy necklace and I promise you it has sprung up in many uncomfortable places.....hands, inside of elbows, legs, armpits, and I'm about ready to throw away all bras. It makes me miserable. So yes, I miss tanning, at least until I find another remedy (yes, tried all of the creams and allergy meds, I've had this my whole life). I also miss margaritas. Mmmmmm. 

Showing yet: Yes. 

Labor signs: I was feeling very achy and crampy on Friday and as the day went on, my cramps were more of a tightening feeling, and my belly would get slightly harder. I think I was having Braxton Hicks contractions, but having never had them before, I have nothing to compare them to....only go off of what I've read and what I've been told. With the tightening came the sense of someone stepping on my chest (only slightly). A mild shortness of breath with each cramp. It didn't last too long, and lots of water and a really delicious burger and the Black Keys quickly took my mind off of it and I felt better by the end of the night.

Baby movement: Corbin is still pretty much the same with activity. He still doesn't want to kick for Daddy, still won't respond to our pokes and pushes, and still feels like he's cozy in there. He will go hours with no movement at all and then suddenly kick once or twice. Or completely roll into a new position and make me feel like I'm going to be sick. There is no rhyme or reason to his movements, he is active when he wants to be, but mostly sleepy and still. The one spot where I feel his kicks throughout the day is really low, at the bottom of my uterus, right in the middle. Could he be standing straight up? No clue. I wish I had a window to see what is going on in there. One day last week I felt movement on my right and left side at the same time. There have been a few days when I have felt hiccups, and I only assume they were hiccups because I felt his usual kicks in a rhythmic pattern for a couple of minutes.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Items purchased for baby this week: Corbin's books arrived, and that's about it. :-)

How is Daddy doing: Daddy is anxious for Corbin's arrival! He loves my belly so much, and still (and always has and will) tells me I am beautiful and he is proud of me and yadda yadda yadda. So far, he is a great partner in all of this, and I know he will be a great coach day-of. He has his stressed moments, but we both feel like with the start of my new job, we are about to pass this hump. Daddy loves the books that we have for Corbin and is antsy to start seeing more baby items build up in our collection. Okay, maybe that is me who is antsy, but I am sure Conner is too. Life is about to be very different! We have discussed taking a "babycation"....a super small one-day trip as our last hoorah before our time is occupied by a tiny human being. We both completely agree that having Corbin won't end our social lives.... we never had them to begin with. We don't go on trips really, we don't go out to eat much, and we certainly aren't the "party type". Having Corbin means one more cute one in tow. Another fun family member to take up to Washington, or to Tahoe, or over to family events at my parents' house or grandparents' house. To celebrate our last little bit of "freedom" though, we are planning on heading to Santa Barbara for the day. We will eat good food, hit the zoo (and daydream about having a baby boy with us there someday soon), visit the beach, etc. It will only be a few months after he is born before we celebrate our one year anniversary and can happily hand him over to my parents or an auntie for the weekend while we celebrate our first year of marriage. Life is not over. Life is about to get soooooo much better!
Favorite moment this week: Seeing the Black Keys (and Tegan & Sara) on Friday night with Conner. We went to dinner at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood, saw some crazies, drove quite a bit in sight-seeing traffic, and made it to the Staples Center right before the show started. It was incredible! We had seats directly to the right of the stage, but close enough and situated right in front of the speakers (it seemed like!). At first, I was really sensitive to the sound and very nervous that it would affect Corbin. My ears were hurting and I didn't feel him right away. As the music started, he started moving, and I have no idea if he was jumping at the sounds or moving happily because he was awake. Either way, it felt pretty normal. I had done so much Googling on how much fetuses can hear at this stage, how much sound affects them, etc. and everything I read basically said he is 20,000 leagues under the sea and at most, it's muffled sound. It's not much more than when I use my own voice and he can hear it inside me, or the sound of my heartbeat, or the sound of my breathing. He was fine, and I relaxed, and all three of us really enjoyed the show.

Looking forward to: Starting my new job tomorrow. I may or may not throw up just thinking about it. We are also looking forward to this coming weekend, when we will get a visit from Betty Ann and Dennis (which we ALWAYS love) and going to the Getty with them and then visiting with my family. Good company always solves any negative emotions. It fixes stress, it calms nerves, it's detox for a long week. I am really truly looking forward to Saturday with everyone. A week after that, we will be celebrating a very close family friend, Mary, and her fiancee Marcus...and Chiara! Their wedding is October 20th, and while I have no clue what sort of dress I can fit into at this point, we are sooooo excited that their wedding day is finally approaching and we will be back at Limoneira for a fun time! (Limoneira is the lemon ranch/packing plant where Conner and I were married.) It will be fun to be there again, eating food made by the same chef (yay Jason!), but in two different venues than our ceremony and reception site. I can't wait! I love weddings!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

22 weeks checkup + something new for Corbin

Corbin and I had our 22-week appointment today, which I think was accidentally scheduled a week ahead of when it should have been, as it has only been three weeks since my last appointment and I am generally in there every four weeks. It works out perfectly though, because I was able to go in on my time before I start my full-time job next week. My next appointment will be November 1st, HOPEFULLY after I am done with my weeks of training at my new job, and after I have started a 7-4 shift. And then four weeks after that appointment will be just in time for our trip up to the Northwest, so we are hoping to schedule that appointment (an ultrasound) on the day we fly back home, so that neither of us has to miss any more work days than necessary. None of this is important to anyone reading, I'm just sort of thinking and typing and making mental notes to myself for scheduling. :-)

Today's appointment went great! I have gained one pound since last time, and my doctor was very happy with that. I have decided to stop stepping on our bathroom scale, because it's misleading, my weight changes from day to day depending on what I have eaten and how much water is in me when I actually step on the thing, so I will just be trusting Doc's scale from now on. My total weight gain is +8 pounds, which is a-okay. My blood pressure was great, although I never remember what it is! It lowered a little bit, but is very healthy. Corbin's heart rate is healthy, and although we did not measure or get a BPM, I did get to hear it with the Doppler. There were other noises too, and my doctor explained that it was Corbin moving around..quite a bit! I could feel him pick up activity as I was in the waiting room, but didn't think I would be able to hear him so well.

Next step.... the dreaded glucose test, where I eat a super light breakfast and then go drink the sweet drink and have blood drawn. That test must happen between 24 and 26 weeks. Or maybe it's 24 and 28 weeks. See how quickly I forget details? Either way, I am going when I hit 24 weeks, which is in just about a week!

My doctor also informed me that I best be getting my flu shot soon, and if I have not had the DTaP vaccine in awhile, I need to be up-to-date on that as well. I asked if the flu shot matters for anyone in contact with me or who will be in contact with Corbin, and while the flu shot does not matter for others, the DTaP vaccine DOES matter..... so anyone who will be around Corbin needs to get updated on their shots. My mom is already taking the steps to get our immediate family vaccinated, and I will be emailing or notifying others. Part of me thinks it's just an over-caution, but another part of me thinks it's a pretty good idea if my doctor is instructing me to do so.

Today, my doctor asked me if we had chosen a name, so I told him, and watched him make note of it in his tablet. I have no idea if it's an iPad in a really cool case, or something awesome that I don't know about yet, but they have an amazing system where they keep all records and a profile of all details stored in their system and can access it from his tablet, whether he is home, at the hospital, or in his office. It keeps record of all tests and screening results, it reminded him to tell me about the DTAP and flu shot, it now has our son's name in it, notes that I am walking, notes about what family members have come with me to appointments, etc. After he wrote Corbin's name, he asked about circumcision preferences and made note that he will be performing it almost immediately in the hospital. Super. After he had written Corbin's name and what we plan to do to his foreskin, it hit me that the BIRTH questions are coming now. It's getting more and more real, and closer and closer to the big day. "When was your last period?" and "Any spotting?" have been replaced with "What are we calling this little boy?" and pretty soon, talk of NOT inducing and how long past my due date will he let me go, who can be in the room for the delivery, etc. etc. CORBIN IS COMING!!!

While I was talking to the nurse, I remembered to ask about some very important information..... when do I have to start coming in more often, when will he start checking my cervix, etc. Did I need to know for medical purposes? No. I was curious because of my new job and scheduling accordingly so that I don't miss much work. I was also dying to know when I would be required to take my pants off again, hence the cervix-check question. I have an ultrasound in two months, when I am about 30 weeks or 31 weeks, then at 36 weeks I will be required to get naked once again for the Strep test, then regular "down-there checks" at about 36-38 weeks. TRANSLATION: I don't have to shave my legs until January.

I left there feeling pretty great, went to Old Navy and tried on some clearance maternity clothes (hellooooo $1.97 cropped jeans - didn't get them, didn't fit, but still..), looked at shoes, decided it was best that I did not spend money on myself today, and came home to see that a package had arrived. Together in one box were "Young Frankenstein" on Blu-Ray (thank you, Conner) and three books that I recently purchased for Corbin. Two of them are Little Golden Books and I honestly picked them out as maternity photo shoot props for Conner to hold.... one is called Daddies, the other is called the Wonders of Nature. They're adorable! The third book is a teeny tiny little blue book called What Are Little Boys Made Of? I thought it was bigger when I bought it online, and had planned on using it as a guest book for my baby shower, but it will still be an adorable photo prop and all three books will be great to add to Corbin's library. If there is one thing I love buying, it's childrens books. Conner and I are both firm believers that a child can never have too many books, and I have always loved reading to the kids that I babysit for. Most of the time, I gift a book and a toy for any kid's birthday, because the toy is the fun gift that keeps me on their good side and the book is because everyone could use another book! So anyway, I am pretty stoked about these books......

They forgot snot, and bruises, and boogers, and stinky socks.... but still an adorable book about what boys are made of! :-)
Just for good measure, here are the dogs that we are not quite neglecting yet. Ellie & Dwight are so sweet, and have come so far! As our apartment gets cluttered and big changes are happening, they have been very good.... well, as long as you don't count shredding a bag of trash a couple of nights ago. They will be great "big brother and big sister" to Corbin, their baby. We love these two so much!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

22 weeks...... job, condo, car!

How many weeks today: 22 +1 day
Baby is the size of: a spaghetti squash!

Total weight gain/loss: Roughly +4, it changes every day. I will know my "official" weight gain when my doctor grills me on Thursday.

Maternity clothes: Yes. And I love them!

Cravings: Spicy, salty, etc. Same same same.
Aversions: None.

Mood: Pretty thankful and very very excited! Also, easily emotional these days. I get "happy tears" over fast food commercials.
Physical symptoms: I do feel like I am starting to get BIG, and with that comes the inability to catch my breath easily, or comfortably sleep throughout the night, or go a day without aches and pains. Corbin enjoys wedging himself into a small space, and it is painful sometimes, but not as bad as I know it will get pretty soon. I can no longer pride myself on being able to go a whole work shift without having to pee. I go all the time now. Many many many new symptoms related to his heft and size, and I know it will all only get worse before it gets better. I'm still very much okay with it, because it means we have a healthy growing boy.

Miss anything: Not really.... oooh but I have been wanting to go to Disneyland lately. I hear the wicked are taking over the park.

Showing yet: Yes.

Labor signs: Nope.

Baby movement: Quite often! His strong kicks are not easily felt, but he does kick for me, and it lasts a few seconds, and he will NOT respond to our pushes and pokes.... Corbin kicks when he wants to, but mostly just turns over and wiggles and gets cozier.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Items purchased for baby this week: Absolutely nothing. I am still in the mindset of saving any money we can..... we have some family who are very excited for a "first" on my side of the family, I have lots of friends who have given me some hand-me-downs that are like new, and we are currently rockin' a one-bedroom apartment and don't have space for a whole lot. All of that adds up to me not needing to go shopping for this baby just yet. As much as I would love to have every single item set up and sit and enjoy it all taking up space and get more and more excited about his arrival, I know that Corbin will not come out in February demanding that he have his own room all set up and ready to go. He will need a few basic things for a few weeks, and then we will be moving into our two-bedroom condo where he can have a more permanent residence. :) One very big item that I am excited to have and put together and that I will gladly allow to take up space is the travel system we want. Uhhh correction, I want it. Conner could not care less.... as long as it's safe and cheap enough, and comes in a good color, Conner does not care what I choose. I have spent months researching strollers and car seats and trying to find something budget-friendly, big-baby-friendly because I am sure this kid will be 9 pounds, and something semi-boyish but not too boyish in case we like it so much we keep it for future children. I have done countless price comparisons, safety comparisons, feature comparisons, and have read reviews on too many sites. I narrowed it down to the Baby Trend Expedition ELX in Everglade. Oh mah gaw. It's no B.O.B., but it's also not going to cost an arm and a leg to get the features we want. The jogger is perfect for what we plan on using it for, and that is NOT jogging. We will take walks to the park, shopping, walks on pavement, dirt, camping, Disneyland, etc. I want storage, I want it to easily fold up and be put in a car without having to wrestle it, I want the car seat to fit him up to 30 pounds, I want the car seat to have a 5-point safety harness...... the Baby Trend Expedition ELX is pretty cool. And super cheap! So..... my plan is to buy it a month or so before his expected arrival, and have it set up and taken on walks with the dogs in tow so that they get used to it too.

How is Daddy doing: Daddy tries all the time to feel Corbin.... very little luck. Corbin is just cozy I guess! Daddy is excited that Grandma and Duampa are coming down in about a week and a half, and in the nearer future, he is excited to be going to a concert. He is VERY VERY VERY excited that I start a new job next week that is full-time and daytime hours. It's a huge weight off of both of our shoulders, but especially for Conner, who has carried us financially with little help from me (I will be the one to say it, he doesn't put it into those words exactly). He's a good, strong provider. :) And he is very excited about our big move to the condo (closer to the train station for his work commute), very excited about having a second car again (thank you, Nana and Bompa!), and I would be lying if I said he doesn't sit and stare at Corbin's last 3D ultrasound photo every day. Plus, football season is in full swing, and Halloween is approaching. I think it's safe to say Conner is in his element.
Favorite moment this week: Well, this last week was epic, and I will write a nice long update at the bottom of these weekly questions. We had lots of favorite moments. My personal favorite was when we went to CVS last night.... it's new, and replaced the grocery store that was not even half a mile away from us. So we decided to walk there. We bought a few items and as Conner was paying, I wandered over to look at some makeup and I could hear the cashier talking to Conner. She was telling him about the grand opening they are having this coming weekend, and the products they are giving away or that will be on special sale, and then she said something to the effect of, "And I see you have a little one on the way....." and my head probably whipped around pretty quickly but I seriously hope I didn't have a dirty look on my face. My first thought was, "YOU CALLIN' ME FAT?!" but I smiled and walked back over as the woman continued talking about how great some baby products were and how I can take the opportunity to get some free stuff, maybe satisfy some cravings, etc. I had stopped listening. After we walked out, I asked Conner if he had said something to her, and he said that he hadn't told her, he hadn't motioned, she actually observed my belly on her own. It was bold of her, but still left me feeling very good about the pajama pants, tshirt, and flip flops I had worn to CVS, and how my body is handling this whole "let's get huge" decision.

That was my first favorite moment because it was a stranger who didn't know me and I feel like it was pretty honest and forward of her. My second favorite is a tie between three people.... my grandma, my dad, and my coworker who each separately made a comment to me over the weekend about my belly. Two people asked me if I've lost weight. Maybe Cassie has lost weight and Corbin has gained, but overall, collectively as one unit at the moment, we have gained a few. It's still very flattering, and makes me love my body even more as it goes through the uncomfortable changes. ;)

Looking forward to: I will live for this week. I'm looking forward to going to lunch with a mommy and three little boys (one I used to babysit, and his younger twin brothers whom I have not yet met), going to bed tonight, having my last day at work on Thursday night, the Black Keys on Friday, and starting my new job on Tuesday.

Speaking of new job.... and all kinds of other new updates, here we go.....

For a few months, we have sort of casually tossed around the idea of renting Vanessa's condo that is in east Simi Valley. For anyone who reads this that does not know Vanessa, she is my older brother's girlfriend, and she is awesome. It's not just that she is his girlfriend, she is like a sister to us, she is part of the family, and she is hilarious and very smart, and so much fun. She was working for a GREAT company here (ok, down south more, towards L.A.) called Hulu, and then she was flown up to the San Francisco area to interview with a little company that really really wanted her that is called...Facebook! This woman is in high demand. Well, she got the job, and now she and my brother are moving up to Menlo Park. Kelly already has a job lined up as well, and it's for a great company called Tely or something like that..... I know their big product is TelyHD. Google it. Love it. So now they are moving into a house in Menlo Park, taking their two dogs with them, and life will be so much fun and new and exciting for them. Vanessa owns a two-bedroom condo here in Simi, but has not lived there for quite awhile.... she rents it out, and the tenant's lease is up in February. Coincidentally, Conner and I are looking to upgrade our home to a bigger place, and we have been looking at two-bedroom apartments and condos on the east side of Simi Valley, so that it's closer to any work commuting, whether it's driving or train station or whatever. Plus, east Simi is much cheaper. While we enjoy living in Wood Ranch, we are not sure what is keeping us here. We are overpaying in rent, we love the area because it's beautiful and safe and yadda yadda yadda, and wow what a nice pool, and look at how huge our patio is...... well, when it comes down to it, we have narrowed down our amenities, and not having a gas station or liquor store nearby somehow beats having a golf course and rolling hills and a nice pool. We don't golf and if we did, we sure as hell wouldn't be allowed into THIS course, we stay inside most of the time because it's hot, we have used our pool once in two and a half years, and that was when my younger cousins came over and wanted to swim, and while the location is settled nicely in between Thousand Oaks, Moorpark, and Simi Valley and I thought it would be great for going to all three cities, we only commute to the valley via Simi now...... it just makes sense to move. The new condo has laundry facilities (hookups IN the condo, and we are using Vanessa's washer and dryer), room for a full size fridge, TWO BEDROOMS, both upstairs (yeah! upstairs), larger living room and dining room and kitchen, a garage, and it's right by a park. It's about a mile from the train station, and about two and a half miles from my new workplace.

Yep, new workplace. About a month ago, I had submitted yet another application for a full-time position in the same department umbrella (Foreclosure) within Bank of America but at either of the Simi Valley locations. My main goal was to lessen my commute, be full-time, and have normal business hours during the day. I am so much more of a daytime person and a morning person than I am a nighttime person! I want to see Conner more, I want to be on a regular schedule for when Corbin comes, I want to experience bath time and bedtime and dinner as a family, even if one is in a high chair. Suddenly, two weeks ago exactly, I was at work at night, and my work email received a notification from the BOA recruiter asking me to come in the following day to interview. Sweet. So I went in at 9am, figured it went well but wasn't feeling overly optimistic because they were interviewing plenty of BOA employees from a semi-local office that had been shut down. Last Monday, I received a call from the recruiter who said that "feedback from the interview was positive" and she would be in contact. Okay, good sign, but still not a for sure. The following day, they made me an offer and started the hiring process and paperwork and fingerprinting and all of those wonderful things that go into working for a major banking corporation. I received an email today saying all background checks are completed, congratulations, they re-re-reconfirmed my start date of October 9th (because Monday the 8th is a holiday and new hires cannot start on a holiday). My agency is aware of the "conversion" into permanent employment and my last day at my current location is Thursday, October 4th. Yay me!

Another new update is car-related..... we were all together on Sunday night celebrating Kelly and Vanessa's last family dinner night before they move up to Menlo Park this coming weekend. Nana and Bompa had a talk with us about their new van they ordered, which will be nice and roomy for the many trips they are always taking.... they go golfing, fishing, camping, and drive to some of the coolest places with family and friends, and Nana literally packs the kitchen sink. She is always prepared with whatever you may have forgotten at home. When they go camping, they have the best setups. It's comfort and convenience, bikes that fold up, air mattresses that sit on raised legs off of the ground, the most comfortable and fulfilling kitchen/bathroom necessities. You forgot a certain spice for one dinner you are making on your week-long trip in Tahoe? Nana has that spice. And while it sounds like I'm mocking her, I'm not! We have ALL borrowed or used something of theirs, and we appreciate how they pack. It's amazing. They literally think of EVERYTHING....even emergency situations with medicine, first aid, extra flashlights, extra batteries. Because of this, Nana has always been a very big fan of the Chevy Astro Van, which Chevy stopped making after the 1999 model (I think). So they ordered a new van, upgraded with a fresh clean start, and they are giving us their Astro Van! This is huge! Conner and I were so excited on the way home from dinner and we jokingly argued over who gets the van, because he seems to think he does, but it really is a safer car for Corbin to be in, and will have so much room for all of his baby gear. I had a dream last night about taking the van to Tahoe next year, which we will be doing of course, and I am just sooooooooo so so so excited!! Even if Conner continues to ride the train to work, it will be great to have a family car, and a reliable car for my short commute to work, before and after Corbin's arrival. We are so lucky to have family like ours....seriously.

This was long... but full of exciting stuff.... here we come, 23 weeks! We are comin' for you.