Monday, December 3, 2012

Quick update at 31 weeks......Corbin's measurements tonight!

I know, I know.... I failed to do a 30-week update. I will, I promise. We are at 31 weeks today, and I am not doing a full update right now either, because I am just...too...tired. Ugh! So exhausted! I have plenty to update our readers with, but to sum it up, we just got back from our Clancy Christmas in Seattle. It was sooooo much fun, and while I didn't ever feel like I was overdoing anything, or constantly going, I did have some long days and restless nights, and traveling between states and cities to get to the next place and event...... All in all, it was a ton of fun, and we loved every moment of being with our family, but holy cow does it feel amazing to be home and sitting in my spot, wearing pajamas way too early, drinking a tall glass of ice water, and looking forward to sleeping on my pillow in our bed. There is nothing like home. Even when we are home at my mom and dad's, or home at Conner's mom and dad's. Home is many places, but HOME is positioned just right, with just the way we set things up, with our a/c temperature set, with our doggies napping in our laps... it's just Home.

We flew home today, rushed to get the car, then rushed to get the other car (from the train station), we were greeted with a flat tire (the Focus has had a slow air leak that we need to get fixed, and it sat for an extended weekend), rushed to an ultrasound appointment (but were called beforehand, our doctor wanted to let us know he was running very late), we sat for an hour waiting for him, and then had a quick ultrasound......

If you tilt your head to the right, you can see Corbin's profile.
Dr. Poliakin only took a few measurements, but my uterus is a big size, and he gave us a nice, loud, "WOW" when he measured Corbin's head and femur and some other spot. We were informed that Corbin's weight is approximately 4.6 pounds. The average size for this week is about 3.3 pounds. I have heard a million times that doctors are never accurate, their guesses can be off by a couple of pounds. But I have also heard from many people that they have never seen an ultrasound with so much detail. And look at Corbin's mommy and daddy. Better yet, look at Corbin's grandparents and aunts and uncles. Of course he is going to be big! I am choosing to believe that Corbin is at least 4 pounds, if not a little bit more. Our doctor jokingly said, "His head is 2 of those pounds though." He asked which one of us has the big head, we both said, "I do." But we both really do have big heads, and both come from a family line of big heads. As Betty Ann put it, "our big heads hold our big brains." It's all good! A big healthy baby, who was moving a little bit during the ultrasound.
Another bit of news that I am very happy about is his position.... Corbin is head down, ready to rock, and according to Dr. P., it is very unlikely that he will get out of that position. He seems to be settled in, and low, and that would explain all of the pressure and pain that I have been feeling in my hips, on my cervix, in my separating pelvic bone, on my sciatic nerve, in my tailbone area, and just in the EXIT in general. The teeny tiny wiggly movement I have been feeling very low and in the center could possibly be his hands, but are certainly not feet (which is what I was worried about). Corbin has indeed found the exit, and now it's just a matter of time, and more weight gain, before he decides he is ready.
The countdown continues!
Conner has slowly been feeling crummy and lousy and now has a raspy voice, sore throat, and a cough tonight. He's been in bed since 7:30pm. I am on my way there now. Goodnight!

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