Wednesday, December 19, 2012

33 Weeks...with a new love/hate for pregnancy!

How many weeks today:  Today, I am 33 weeks, plus 2 days. I am skipping the questions for 32 weeks because I am a lazy person these days.  
Baby is the size of: a pineapple! I don’t know why I bother with this question, when they are just averages, and Corbin ain’t no average baby! (So we think.)
Total weight gain/loss: It still depends on the day, but I am staying about the same at +13 pounds…and so proud of that!
Maternity clothes: I am so comfortable in my maternity clothes, and they make me feel good about my appearance, and I proudly strut my stuff, belly out… until this last week. I suddenly care less about my clothes, I barely bother with makeup anymore, my hair ends up in a ponytail almost every day, and I have more of a waddle than a strut.
Cravings: My mind and my hormones and my tastebuds all think they are back in the first trimester, I guess. I am back to needing fruit, bagels, avocados, spicy foods, and LOTS of milk. Also, cereal is now perfectly acceptable for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Aversions: Did I mention I hate brushing my teeth?

Mood: Panic has set in. Ehhh sort of. I am excited as usual, happy as usual, and enjoying being in the midst of the holidays…. Lots of great food, visiting with family and friends, holiday movies, decorating our apartment and my desk at work… but then I am brought back to reality when I think of how soon January will be here, and how I will be considered full term mid-January, and how crazy close our due date is. When people ask me when I’m due, and I say, “February 4th”, they immediately say, “Oh February…you’ve got time!” And I want to grab them by the shoulders and shake them and scream, “I SAID THE 4th!!! THAT IS BASICALLY END OF JANUARY! I AM DUE IN A LITTLE OVER A MONTH! THAT’S ONLY IF THIS BABY DECIDES TO STAY IN THERE THAT LONG!” I think I am feeling unprepared more than anything else. We cannot WAIT for Corbin’s arrival, but my empty stash of diapers and wipes and inability to know where to even begin with breastfeeding all make me feel unprepared. Corbin has some clothes, and some toys, but I don’t think he will want those right away. He might want a place to sleep. And my nesting instincts have kicked in big time, in full force, and I want nothing more than to have a spare room right now that is set up for Corbin to come home to. I like to plan things, and it is setting in that I can’t plan what day he will arrive exactly, and I can’t plan what day we will be moving into the condo just yet, and I don’t like that the only thing I can control at this time is what to pack in my hospital bag. So I have started on that, and am trusting that everything else will fall into place when it should and just like it always does.
Physical symptoms: The end sucks. It straight up sucks. Just when I thought I was feeling amazing and had escaped certain symptoms that all of the books talk about, 32 weeks hit, baby fully dropped, and I am in pregnancy hell. I now see why many women get impatient in the end and start inducing and opt for medical inductions. I also see why women take maternity leave BEFORE the baby comes. Duh. Why didn’t I think of that?? Okay so my symptoms these days…. Exhaustion. Absolute exhaustion. I blame that partly on my work schedule and inability to sleep through the night, so for being 33 weeks and carrying a little heffer baby around, I’d say my energy level is pretty great. I wake up every single night, sometimes multiple times, sometimes only once…. It’s usually for a bathroom break, except last night it was for a bathroom break AND then because Corbin’s hiccups kept me awake. My sciatic nerve is hit and miss with pain, as is my general lower back area. My hips still ache, as Corbin invades them, and my pubic bone…or pelvic bone… or whatever it is… hurts more than anything else! Sitting for too long usually irritates my pelvic bone, and then any separation of my legs causes wincing and flinching in pain. You should see me climb in and out of the Astro van! Sitting for too long causes pain, walking or standing causes lower back pain. I’m perfectly happy lying down, but I still sit at work, and still walk a little bit. At night, I have to eat dinner fairly early and I have become a fan of milk and Tums. If I eat late, I wake up choking on acid. Lovely, right? It is by far my least favorite symptom throughout my entire pregnancy so far. It has happened a few times, and then went away, and now it’s back in full force, so I do everything I can to avoid it. My skin is back to itching, especially my belly, chest, and legs…. There might be no reason for that. I am no longer cursed with headaches and I find that funny, because I recently noticed that I don’t really drink coffee anymore. I have had it once in awhile, but I don’t like the coffee at work and have been so focused on drinking my pregnancy tea that I didn’t even notice I had cut my major source of caffeine out. *High five to myself!* As far as pains in the baby-maker area…. I get cramps every day, and Braxton Hicks contractions have suddenly become a major part of every day. Since last week’s crazy amount of back-to-back BH’s though, I have felt pretty good and had minimal contractions.
**Just to clarify, I still LOVE being pregnant, I am still very very lucky, Conner and I are extremely fortunate to be in the position we are in, my pregnancy has been very healthy, and I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world. That doesn't mean I don't get to bitch and moan about it once in awhile. ;-)
Miss anything: I plan on buying ingredients for a mean margarita to keep on hand for the day we come home from the hospital.  
Showing yet: Oh yes.
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks last week that were actually painful (although bearable), lasting about a minute long, and were five minutes apart…. For THREE DAYS! On the first full day, I went to my doctor and he checked everything out and assured me that I was just having some painful BH’s, that I am NOT dilated, and not even a little bit effaced (darn!). I was happy to not be dilated, but not happy to hear “high, firm, and thick” for effacement. Then again, as more preemies from our birth month group are announced, I am thankful that Corbin is deciding to stay put for now.  
Baby movement: I am positive that the regular Braxton Hicks contractions wore Corbin out, because he seemed to be sleeping more than usual by Friday and it continued into Monday. He would move once in awhile, but we both felt exhausted, I’m sure. Monday night, he woke up and threw me some knees and bony little body parts and twisted and stretched and readjusted like he enjoys doing. Yesterday was something new…..I came home from work, ate a bowl of cereal, sat down on the couch, and started watching a show. A few minutes later, Corbin started hiccupping. Cute, as always. But 15 minutes later, he was still hiccupping. He finally stopped a little while before Conner came home, and I told Conner about it, and we both admired and “aww”d and went on with our evening. I fell asleep around 7:30 or 8 (it was an accident, but I did happen to be lying down in bed), and woke up at 2:30 for a bathroom break. Back in bed, little man started hiccupping again, and this time, he didn’t stop! I couldn’t go back to sleep for a long time… hiccups are cute, but very distracting. More distracting than kicks or elbows, because they are rhythmic and sometimes constant… like a nagging annoying tick. I wasn’t annoyed though, because they are from our baby boy, and because I know (from books and Google) that hiccups are a wonderful sign of maturing lungs. Today at work, Corbin had MORE hiccup spells that lasted for way too long. I love it! I love that his body is doing what it’s supposed to in preparation for breathing air outside of his current home. You know who else loves it? Ellie and Dwight. They want to be near my belly and on my belly and cuddling my belly all the time now, and the biggest jumping movements that come from Corbin don’t seem to bother either of them. Dwight has picked his head up, looked at my belly, and then laid back down… then ignored the bony knee that followed. They are ready for their brother!
Wedding rings on or off: I’m still not swelling anywhere (except my huge belly now), but have not worn my rings in about a week… my skin has been sensitive again. But they DO fit!

Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing this week yet, but I did browse online for some going-home-from-hospital options and am thinking about going to Babies R Us to pick one up…. You know, because I have to pack a hospital bag ASAP in my mind.
How is Daddy doing: Excited as always! He is ready, and very interested in the “signs” and symptoms of whatever has been going on. He was scared last week when I was having regular BH’s, and he even panicked about me needing to leave work and go to the doctor right away. When the real labor comes, he will be ready. ;-)

Favorite moment this week: When I came home from my doctor’s office and Conner had made me soup and decorated our apartment with Christmas lights…. Our MINI tree is up, our stockings are up, and it finally feels like Christmas.
Looking forward to: I will take it one week at a time… looking forward to tomorrow (seeing Grandma & Grandpa), this weekend (Ramstead holiday party), and then Christmas Eve and Christmas (our usual group, and Kelly & Vanessa are in town all weekend!).

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