Wednesday, November 7, 2012

27 weeks, and feeling humongous!

How many weeks today: 25 +2 days
Baby is the size of: a head of cauliflower, or roughly 14.5 inches and just over 2 pounds. Tonight though, I had an appointment, and my uterus is measuring at 30 weeks. Woooo! That could mean anything though... big baby, lots of fluid, big mama...
Total weight gain/loss: I was so nervous to step on the scale tonight at my doctor's office, but it was better than I expected, and my doctor high-fived me and said, "Wooo! Only 13 pounds total!" It's more than what I want or what he wants, but he said it's still good, so I feel good.
Maternity clothes: Loving them! Currently looking for a couple of pieces to supplement maternity/holiday photos we are having done in a couple of weeks. :-)
Cravings: Same ol' stuff!
Aversions: Brushing my teeth, but yes, I still do it.
Mood: Happy, relieved, thankful, excited, but so so so anxiously awaiting the happy holidays and the arrival of our behbeh!
Physical symptoms: Super sleepy but hangin' in there. My big uterus is achy and heavy, but overall, I feel amazing and cannot complain. My feet and hands and legs are starting to feel the effects of carrying some extra weight (I guess) so I am making a point of getting up more frequently during my workday to go walk around the building, or at the very least, walk to the furthest bathroom.
Miss anything: Not so much.
Showing yet: Yep! I recently ballooned into a huge-bellied beast.
Labor signs: None yet.
Baby movement: Oh boy oh boy oh boy does he move! He's a kicker, karate chopper, flipper, somersaulter, and wiggler.
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Items purchased for baby this week: Nothing this week. Sorry, Corbin.
How is Daddy doing: He's stoked about how fast time is flying and how close our due date is. Life is moving quickly and awesomely.
Favorite moment this week: My favorite moment in the last week was my return to my normal job, in my normal work location, with my normal department that I love.... I am sooooo happy to be done with training in the other location!
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving! Traveling to the Northwest to see family and friends! Christmas! Our DUE DATE!!! And probably a later date after that when he might actually show up.

***Other Highlights This Week***

-We voted! And we are so stoked for the state of WA!
-Kendall & Matt set a date, and they are having a fairly small wedding weekend on Catalina. Kendall asked me (in the cutest way ever) to be her Matron of Honor!
-We are meeting Corbin's future pediatrician tomorrow meet n' greet, have any questions answered, and get our info in their system.
-We received the most adorable invitation from some very sweet Cushman Family who are throwing a baby shower for the Clancy Clan when we are up there in December! SOOOO EXCITED! And we feel so incredibly loved!

Our view from our polling place...the Reagan Library

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